Ch no 3

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I was still sleeping as my bro barged into the room.. I turned my face to the other side .. he tried waking me up but I didn't... he went outside as I thought I won but...


Went the water on me as I immediately woke up coughing as I stared at him... "wake up choclate!!" He said gigling at my form..

" but why what do you want just tell me and let me sleep some more" .... "no choclate !! Unless if you don't want to eat ice cream" Ice cream ,wait did I heared right!! Yeahhh .. i love icecream... " but who is treating?" I asked cofused probably momii wont let me eat ice cream as I got sick last time due to eating brinjals .. but she thought I got sick by eating ice cream so she just won't let me !!

" the boy who came earlier on his sports car is giving everyone treat" he said .... taking me out of my thoughts.. "wait !! What he is treating .. we don't even know him and he is acting like he knows us!! You just stay away from him okii!! I don't know but I don't feel good"

"O sis please!! You love ice cream don't you .. you were the one who once told us about your three loves"

Flash back

"Now your turn to spin the bottle haya" farwa chirped.. "okii let me spin it" don't point on me ! Don't point on me !! Don't... oh noo!! As i was saying the bottle did point towards me!! O noo I am doomed!!! I thought as mira clapped her hands " okay"

haya now what should I ask?" She said dramatically .. like I didn't know what she would ask!! " so tell us who do you love?" She asked .. as I without thinking much just replied " okay let me tell you about my love listen carefully" ..

My first love is choclate.. my second love is ice cream and my third love is biryani"
Every one laughed as I looked at them confused.."what??" I said as ibraheem turned towards me " nothing choclate"

Flash back ends

" sis tell me are you coming or not" he again asked .. " no lets just go to store and buy icecream for ourselves . I won't eat the one he would treat" I said making a serious face " okay as you wish ! At least I will get to eat it" i just rolled my eyes and smiled at him

" let's go choclate" he shouted. " coming! I said" And with that we went to the store

Idk why but everyone calls me food names like cup cake , choclate , and my academy friend named me jam, I didn't understand why but they said they liked calling me in this way...

yess!! I went to academy but am not going as these are our vacations and I plan on going in field of army!!

How ever it has been days since the icecream incident.. I was standing at my balcony looking at the stars as I felt some one eyes on me.. I tried to ignore as i was busy awing the beauty of the sky!! As I moved my haze I saw him again.. ibraheem told me that his name was "hassan" .. like I care !! that person just gave me bad vibes..

like I said that person know about my name from my bro as he is friends with him not just him he is freind with everyone including hadi.. that person just I just hate him.. now don't tell me not to judge any one ...
How ever after looking at him I immediately went inside...

It has been 3 weeks .. but that person has already started disturbing me.. when ever I go out side he will be like"oo some one is here" I just ignored him but his disturbing grew more and more ... as my bro told me that he was telling everyone that I talk to him... I was hella angry and confused at the same time... I just decided to ignore him.. I often complained about him in front of Allah...
to show him the right path

That person was worse than I thought.. I came to know that he smoked cigarettes not the simple ones but the one that has caffeine or you could say something like alcohol I don't know what people call it... I even saw him smoking in the market roaming around on his heavy bike..

This was not the midd it was just the beginning.. he even roamed on his bike with his gun.. and once he even fired scaring everyone that cause the police to come but they just saluted him idk why?? But one thing was confirmed he was dangerous.. I told everyone to stay away from him.. i got all this info from my bro but I did saw him with his cigarette and the firing thing....

Life is always fair with us but
We say it's unfair
We don't know what is
Chosen for us is the
Best than what we choose
As the choosen one will bring happiness
So , stop complaining and accept
Happily what's given
Cuz it is better than what u want

How ever she is just too innocent to know anything.. she is just a cute girl.. who don't know what her life is carrying for her.. it is just the beginning!!!!

Assalam o alaikum guys!! I hope every one is doin fine
Do take care and don't forget to support me!!

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