Ch no 12

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I was running .... in the darkness
Trying to reach the light... to get into the brightness...
Someone was chasing me...
now I don't know if it's a animal or a person..
I want to run away from there..
I want to get in the light...
I want to be free..
But I was grabbed by someone....
It's a man!!
As I looked behind... and found someone in a hoodie and a mask...
That person took me in the darkness....
as the person holds my arms and take me into more and more darkness...
I keep struggling but no use!
As I saw someone calling my name from the other side
"Haya! Haya!"
I couldn't open my mouth to say something
As tears roll down my face!!
Beep. Beep.
I woke up with profuse sweat covering my face.. and there were real tears on my I put my hand on my heart.. trying to calm my heart... as I heared fajr..
Allahu akbar! Allah u akbar...

For the first time.. I saw a nightmare... as I looked outside the window... there were clouds covering the sky... as the stars were still shining like fireflies... and the moon was still showing it's beautiful shine.. that fell on my hands .. as I again calmed down!! Feeling good and relaxed..

How would you shine
If there was no darkness
Just like these stars
That shine with so much glitter
Calming someone!!

After that I checked social media as I saw!
No way!!
I saw a pic of hassan with two elders on each side as I saw " the biggest party at enam's place the most successful business man" so they were his parents..
I know his full name is Hassan Enam!!

I was still sleepy as I slept after hearing the prayer...
Hadi's pov
I came to know that hassan had came back.. and while speaking to mahad .. it seemed that he was hiding something... I tried my bes to open his mouth.. but nothing he told me...

I called him to tell that I'll be coming soon.. as I have started to study more about business...

I was going through the market as I saw a book store..
That reminded me of haya.. she loves books..
I decided to buy some for her and as well as some chocolates .. I'll surprise her !! And I know she'll forgive me .. as she never says no to choclates...

Last night.. I saw a weird dream.. I saw that there was a man in a hoodie with a mask... who was taking haya somewhere.. I tried to take her away from him.. I wanted to get her in the light.. but she was out of my reach.. as I ran and also was in darkness..
When I woke up I was sweating profusely.. as it was fajr time..

I went to masjid to offer prayer.. and prayed for her protection...
Haya's pov

I soo wanted to get away from here.. as after eating my breakfast.. I decided to take a tour of my city.. as I told mommi ..
after convincing so much she agreed!!
" but where will you stay?" She asked. .. " I'll stay at a hotel mom!! Don't worry.. I won't get any harm if someone tries to .. I'll use my karate skills oka" I said .. " okay but be careful".

I started to pack my bags as I said goodbye to mum.. taking my savings with me as well as some money that mom gave me.. I am going to need it obviously!!

I went out as I felt the fresh air hitting my face.. " MASHALLAH" escaped my lips.. as I decided to check my location on the mobile.. I decided to hire a taxi .. as I sat in.. "to the sea breeze hotel please". I informed.. I was first going to go to the sea side..

We hadn't covered much distance.. as a black car suddenly came in front of us.. making the taxi a screeching sound.. as I covered my ears.. "what happened?" I asked
" I don't know this car suddenly popped out" he said looking confuse.. " hell" I just got out and already problems started.. ugh!!

I saw a man in black hoodie and black mask.. just like the one I saw in my dream!! " it must be a coincidence !! But why is he coming towards us !! The car didn't hit anything" I whispered to myself..

And got the answer as the man asked the driver to come out.. he opened the door and went out!! As i saw the man giving him money.. as I sat there confused!!
Why is this man giving him money? Why is he taking it? What are they talking about?

My questions were answered as the driver came and opened the door as he said a " sorry! I am in a need of money for my wife's treatment.. and he gave me !! So I need to do what he asked for"..

Why is he telling me this? I thought to myself!! As he went to the other side .. motioning the one in the hoodie!!

As I looked at him with a little fear .. as I was still confused.. I couldn't see the man's face!!

As he opened the door!! Before I could ask him something!! He took out a gun and pointed at me..

I froze at my spot... " what are u doin? Are you crazy or something?" He didn't say anything!!
As I heared a fire..
At first I thought he shot me as I kept reciting kalma shahadat..

As I opened my one eye to see!!
I am still alive!! Am I?
I felt my heart beat and sighed !!

I am alive!!
As I saw that he shot up in the air!! As I got a little fright!!
As he motioned me towards his car!! " but why?" Before I could ask something..

He hit my head hard with the back of his gun!!

As I felt him carrying me in his arms... in his car..

As I tried my best not to pass out!!

But my head hurted hard as I fell into a deep slumber!!!

Once again darkness covering me!!!


Salam guys!! I hope u enjoyed
Please do vote for me😊
Take care😘
Love ua all❤️❤️❤️❤️
And be happy 😘😘😘

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