Ch no 16

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Hadi's pov
I get weird dreams at night I don't know why ? My dreams are always related to haya.. I don't know why she comes in my dreams..

Today is a party that sahil has arranged for us..

I wore a simple suit.. a black shirt with black tie and black jeans.. I love black.. and haya also loves the same colour as me

I went at the restaurant.. thie restaurant is owned by bilal..
as everyone was enjoying .. including sahil friends and her little sisters too..

Named akira and amira.. they both are twins..

I didn't enjoy as I had a weird feeling inside me..something inside me was disturbing me..

I sat at the corner chair as sahil was talking with his guests..

Bilal noticed and came to me
"Can i?" He asked and I nodded..

He sat beside me and " why are you looking soo dull.." I didn't know what to do.. he was a person who never cared about anyone.. but he is asking me ..
"Nothing bro.. just not feeling well" I answered.. I didn't wanted to tell him anything..

"Okay if you want to share anything then i am here for you okay bro" he said with a small smile

What has gotten into him??

I couldn't hold my self anymore as I said

"Actually i want to share something" I said.. he made himself comfortable as he turned his attention towards me..

I sighed before talking "I can't understand what is happening to me.. I get weird dreams at night.. about.....haya. I always see that she is in danger and someone grabs her.. and take her away as she tries her best to escape.. I don't know ..huh" I sighed before continuing again

"I just get these dreams every night.. I don't know what to do.. and in my dream i just stare at her helpless.. every night i wake up in sweat.. I don't understand what does these dreams mean?? And to that every night.." I explained as he listened carefully

He spoke "listen bro!! I think you just care about her soo much but the dreams coming every night I think she is in danger"

"But her mother told me that she has gone to travel around the city" I cut him off

"Listen! Don't worry.. just ask her mum about her whereabouts.. and just pray for her protection.. and don't worry Allah is with her and will probably help her" he said

"May Allah protect her always" I said
"Ameen" we both said in unision..

Haya's pov

I woke up as I adjusted to my surroundings.. where am i? I questioned myself..

I looked around.. it was a little room.. looking like it hadn't been used since months.. and to my happiness I wasn't tied.. but this room had no window just two windows at the top that were out of my reach..i looked around to find a wash room.. I literally had forgotten about everything.. i found a small door on the side.. I opened the door and thankfully it was a washroom.. I used the toilet.. and decided to take a bath.. as I took a warm bath which didn't calmed me at all..

I stood in front of the mirror .. I was only in my bath robe.. as I stared at the mirror..

"What have happened to me?" I questioned as tears flowed down

"What have I turned into" I whispered looking at my lips that were cut and bruised like being chewed by someone

"It's all my fault!!" I whispered as I looked at my neck that had his marks.. his doings..

I started rubbing my neck while bursting into tears.. I wanted to clean his touch.. I rubbed the place on my neck with a rag until the skin became red .. matching his doings

"What are you doing to yourself haya" I whispered.. as i kept on crying.. this is not right.. I got up and found a closet at a corner.. I opened it and found some old but neat clothes.. Inwore them and thankfully there was a hijab too..

I performed ablution.. put a cloth on the floor.. as Intried to find qiblaah.. I couldn't find it so I decided just to pray

With that thought I stood on the mat and said
Allah u akbar
As the thought that I missed my other prayers came in my mind..

As i fell in sujood and started to cry
"Allah help me.. Inam helpless..there is no one.. Allah that person hurted me.. Allah I don't know what to do.. Allah what should Indo? Allah he saw my hair.. he me sin..s Allah..

O my lord.. I have no but y.ou me.. forgive me Allah.. Allah make has..san walk on the right path..oo Allah ple..ase help me this hell..Allah I want t..o meet u.. pro..tect me.. Inknow you ar..e with me.. I want to c..ome to you.." Incried and cried as Inshare my feelings..

Assalam o alaikum warahmatullah!!
I finished my prayer as Infelt soo calm.. so stress free.. like nothing happened to me.. as Insmiled at the knowing feeling as I whispered "Thanks Allah"

With no thought.. no stress I slept.. peacefully this time..

Such a long chap right?!😁

Take care😊and do support comment and like and vote for me😘
Love ya all❤️❤️

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