Ch no 26

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Some times you may feel that life is being harsh on you.some times you may want not to live anymore.some times your loved ones may hurt you acknowledge but still un -acknowledged of your that,hope,prayer are most important means..prayer for your heart to feel at peace..hope for the good time to come and trust for healing your that time Allah will send someone to help you heal even though he is the one healing your heart..your may be confused at that time but believe in destiny..and fate..everything will be alright..

Haya's pov

And the door was shut I sat there for good two minutes..just to be determined on moving on!! I still couldn't believe that I am safe now..I escaped that place to which I thought I'll never be able to!! I want to hide somewhere..where no one will be able to find me..but I need to accept everything and move on..I cannot hang onto past forever..Can I?

Setting up my mind I went to rest room..performing ablution..still not looking at mirror..because I don't want to see my marks of misery..I performed ablution and set the prayer mat.. I took a deep breath before saying "ALLAH U AKBAR"  and there it was..

"Tears mixed of emotions that included happiness for helping her to move on misery of still helping her even she is a sinner.. and to all of that emotions  there was something in her that she herself couldn't understand.."

And then I fell in sujood and started to cry out loud ..
"O Allah!!  f..or  m..e" this was what I could say and then couldn't form words heart was speaking my emotions in front of Allah..and I knew that he is listening as he knows everything..

"O Allah  I am grateful for your help..even I am a sinner but you still helped me..Allah I am soo happy..o Allah thanks for giving me strength..thanks for sending hadi in my life as my savior..."she smiled while saying this as tears kept on falling one after another

"Allah you know hassan hit me soo hard..I ran from there after so  much struggle..that was given by you..Allah he broke me..! He took my hijab away..he drank in front of me..Allah he touched my hands..he kissed me..Allah he ki.."she started to cry even more..

Even though she has decided to accept everything but it's not that easy to forget what happend and soo that which turned your life hell..

"Allah hassan said that he will take my could he be so ruthless? how could he say it..?doesn't he know that it is haram and doesn't he knows that what a girl's dignity means to her..?Allah he said that he'll sell me off..what did I ever did so bad to him?.." she started to hiccup and sniff badly..

Warm tears were falling down her eyes showing that she is actually crying in pain..she really is!But what to say when you really want to move on but still it's hard for you..crying becomes a medicine to your misery..but what if your eyes stop forming tears? Numbness is the worst feeling..because a person fights its inner self..not letting out any emotion even when he wants to!!when you can't even hold yourself that is falling from a mountain ..when they themselves won't understand what's happening in them..when life will take a 180 degree turn..when broken souls could not leave there body..even if it'd be easy to those pieces to rise but they still stay..meaning they want to live..they don't want to really no words for that? So said in someone's words

"The thirst of life never ends"

You gotta live unless your soul itself will leave your Allah's will..

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