Ch. no 2

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Hey guys! Hope u are doin fine .. how ever I have decided to skip some years in my story as I wanted to add a little from their childhood so anyways lets begin!!!

........After 3 years.....

She is just an ordinary girl.. with her beautiful dreams .. as she just think positive about others..

Haya's pov:

As always ibraheem my little brother was disturbing me cuz he is just like this .. the most annoying person in the world.. people say that i am annoying but he is more than me its just that they don't understand me idk why but it's like this..

I was in rest room performing ablution as he like always turned the light off being the annoying one and locked the door and i started shouting at him.."ibraheem open the door you stupid !!!"
No answer

I shout again "you freak open the door" I started banging on the door as i heard his gigling.. mommmaa!!! I shout again..

then I heared his voice.." granny, evil nun, conjuring's ghoost, a dead body , grave yards witch" he shouted and i was like what the hell!! I litterally started to imagine that some one is really staring at me.. all of the ghosts started roaming in my mind.. I started to push the door on my side .. suddenly he left the door causing me to fall down .. oo I just forgot to tell you that i am now 19.. my birthday was a few weeks ago..


I ran behind him with the wiper in my hands.. then came the entry of the person who once called me cup cake "hadi" !! I immediately put my hijab on and said salam.. as he had came to talk to my mother.. I could see his eyes towards my hands and i just forgot that i was holding the wiper in my hands.. that was just soo embarrassing!! He went inside and i cursed under my breath.. now ibraheem is going to regret this .. I said. As i started making a plan..

I got my revenge on my sweet brother who is four years younger than me.. I threw a ballon on him full with water.. he was fully wet and I was just giggling or maybe enjoying my victory!! He should regret that how dare he tried to make fun of me "haya" ...

After taking my revenge I started doing my ablution again.. I offered zuhr and recite quran until all of the pain and fear in my heart vanished.. that's why quran is my bestie.. it soothes my heart as nothing does..

As bad time comes ,good time also come
But if you become bad in the bad time
How will you enjoy good time??
Bad time doesn't remain always
But good time does!!
So think before falling into

After reciting quran I got up as I decided to go out and look at my brother as they were playing cricket.. I am their coatch as well as leader of the team of my friends that include my bro and his friends as well.. I was busy talking to them .. when i saw a truck with lots of luggage..

some one was shifting in the mansion that was just a little away from my home.. I was busy scolding my bro for cheating as I saw a boy coming on his race car.. I thought I had seen him some where .. my thoughts were soom replaced as mira whispered "haya" .. "yes".I said .. "remember its the same boy who once just bumped into you on his bike"...... then I remembered him.. he parked his car outside his mantion and started walking towards our side... he passed away and then stared at me with a smirk on his face... it didn't go unnoticed by me..

That person looked one or two year older than me.. I immediately looked down as he was giving me

Bad vibes..

I ignored him said bye to my friends and went inside .. thinking about what the hell was that.. how ever I just brushed the thought away.. as I heared asar azaan and performed ablution to share everything with my lord ,my master... and I am his slave .. but he loves me more than 70 moms.. no doubt he is the king of universe... after performing my prayer I decided to take a nap as I was a little tired....
Good night haya...


Heyy guyss ! I hope everyone is fine and well..
love you all.. please do take care as corona virus is spreading at great rate..
love ya all!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Don't forget to gimme best wishes i am waiting for them😁😁❤️❤️❤️❤️

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