Ch no 21

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Hadi's pov

Tomorrow is the farwell at sahil's uni..

I don't even know why we are even going? But I guess I should visit..

His uni is not away from the jungle.. but there is a fence there.. no wild animal can enter this place...

I wanted to see the jungle and somehow managed to make them agree.. .. I don't even know why I wanted to go there in the first place..

But I wanted to see the nature.. it's beauty that never fails to amaze and relax me..

I looked outside the window from my room.. there were dark clouds covering the sky

Looks like it's going to rain!!

Haya's pov

I woke up by there voices.. they were sitting beside my chair on the sofa.. they were talking about something.. about a girl..I think

I pretended to be sleeping..

"No , we should just sell her off after we are done with her" said the scary one's voice

"That's a good idea.. but hassan just give her to know I am good at taking care of such fiesty girls like her" the demon's voice said...

And at that time I knew they were talking about me..

They will sell me off? The thought itself make me want to kill my self.. or just die..their words were un-bearable!!

"Oka.. oka.. we will decide but let me do it first.." said the devil

"Let her take a bath first.. she'll be probably full of dust right now" said the demon laughing

Making others laugh to..

I soo wanted to hit them.. kill them.. or just make them disappear or tears again filled my eyes

"Okay!! Oka!! But let me wake her first.. it's been hours since she is sleeping.. I have been waiting for her to wake up..". He said as I heared his footsteps ..

He came near me as I slowly opened my eyes but closed them again ..

He was too near me..

I kept them close not wanting to feel his dark aura..

I felt someone untying me..

Wait? Is he going too sm..ack me again..

I quickly opened my eyes just to see his ones staring directly at me..

I kept my eyes down..

He untied me and held my wrist in a tight grip..
Making me gasp..

He held me and make me walk to a side to which I never went..

Soon it hit me.. I started struggling.. I tried to twist my wrist but he held it even tighter..

It looked like the blood supply was being blocked.. in my wrist..

" Y..ou M..eeee" I managed to say but my last word came out like a scream ..

He held me more tightly this time..

It hurted.. I was feeling worst...

He is going to take my virginity first.. and then will sell me off to someone..

What is the use of living now haya? He will do what he wants!!
And once your virginity is lost.. it will never return.. I'll have to live without it..

How will I live without it..?? How will i face everyone??

As he pushed me and locked the door behind me..



It was a shower room...

I slid down the door.. as I started to think what should I do?

My feelings were untoldable!!

I can't live anymore.. I can't..

I tried to find a thing to get rid of my body off my soul.. but there was nothing..

Just a mere shower with a soup on the floor..

What now?? Why????

Just??? What ?? Is happening?? Why is this happening?? Can't it be a dream?? Couldn't it be??

My life is ruined.. is it really my end?? Is it really what was kept for me?? For my destiny!!

I heared thunder clarking loudly from outside.. as I heared rain pouring harshly...

It felt like the sky was crying on the chaos inside me.. it felt like the thunder understood me!!

The thunder clarked again..

It's voice echoing in my ears...

"Now why are you crying?" I whispered my voice breaking down..

I said to the sky.. to the thunder!!

"Breaking down like nothing!!"

Breaking down like pieces .. that can't be healed.. that can't be joined again..

Now i know!! This life is hell.. it is hell..

Now i know!! My innocence doesn't matter..

Again the thunder clarked and I could hear whooshing of trees..

The sky was crying instead of me to cry..

The worst thing.. I can't let everything out.. I can't.. I am not able to!!

My tear glands can't form any tears??

But why?

I kept on holding my head in my hands..

I felt wind hitting my face..

And a few drops of water that fell on me


I quickly looked from where the drops fell..

Window!!! There is a window but it's only broken from side..

Without thinking much..

I stood on my toes..

And punched the window thrice again and again..

The window broke .. it's pieces piercing in my hand..

Making blood ooze out!!

I couldn't care less!!

This is nothing compared to what's inside me!!!

At least it lessened the pain inside me...

Quickly i jumped outside...Twisting my foot.. while the rain slapped my face..

Making me soak in it's tears!! That were not warm but cold..

It seemed that everything is still..

I screamed but could hear my own voice as the thunder clarked again..

The cold wind blowing..with the night covering the sky!!

I didn't stopped there..

I ran!! With my twisted foot.. broken self.. and pierced hands.. with the pieces of mirror still inside!!


Hope you enjoyed ❤️❤️
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Be happy and take care❤️❤️😊😊

Love ya all😘😘

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