Pudding And Doctor Who (TomHiddlestonxReader) Part 2

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        You woke up slowly, buried under a blanket when you got a whiff of bacon coming from the kitchen. You sat up quickly, suddenly wide awake at the promise of food and tried to rush out of your bed, but only resulted in tangling yourself up in your blanket and falling face first onto your floor oh so gracefully.

        "(Y/N)? You okay?", calls Tom from the kitchen. 

        Well my face hurts and my ego is a bit bruised, but otherwise I'm good 

        You didn't say that, instead responding simply, " Yeah! I'm coming!"

        After winning the fight against your blanket, you quickly brush your (H/L) (H/C) hair to make it nice-ish and run down the stairs as fast as you could and sliding into the kitchen in your socks nearly taking out Tom on the way. 

        "Oy! Your breakfast is right there, please don't hurt me!", he jokes.

        You smile thankfully at him before sitting on a chair at the table inhaling the delicious breakfast of bacon, eggs, a piece of toast, and orange juice. (If you don't like that kind of breakfast you could just change it)

        Tom chuckles his signature 'ehehehe' as you eat every last crumb.

         "Someone's hungry"

        You nod with a closed-mouthed smile and swallow your final forkful of food before wiping your mouth with the napkin and carrying your dishes toward the sink only for them to be taken from you carefully.

        "I'll do the dishes. You get dressed for today, I have a surprise"

        You raise an eyebrow.

        "A surprise?"

        Tom grins at you as he washes the dishes and you see he is already wearing yet another gray v-neck shirt with his leather jacket sleeves rolled up. He is also wearing black jeans and converse.

        "Yes ,(Y/N), a surprise. I suggest you wear one of your Doctor Who shirts for the occasion"

        Still not having enough dots to connect to what the surprise is, you simply smile and nod as you proceed upstairs to your room changing into (outfit in gif). Tom is waiting down stairs wearing his leather jacket looking as handsome as always with his curly hair hair sticking up, messy, but cute and his huge grin lighting up his blue eyes and-

        Wait, what? What the hell? No I don't think of him like that. He's just my best friend! Stop it!

        You push those thoughts away and smile at him, " So where are we going?"

        Tom grins once more and says, "Spoilers" making you pout slightly with a smile.

        "Making Doctor Who references is not going to make me stop asking"

        "I know. You're cute when you're stubborn, but it was worth a try so you'll just have to wait and see"

        You blush slightly at the compliment making you confused. You had never blushed before when he complimented you, why start now? 

        Arg! This is so confusing!

        Tom furrows his brows, " What's confusing?"

        It takes you a second to realize you said that aloud and try to cover it up, but not very well, "N-nothing, forget it"

        Great, now I'm stuttering...

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