Welcome Back (HarryOsbornxReader)

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Being the daughter of the great Tony Stark can be hard sometimes. To start, I'm camera shy.

Ironic, isn't it?

My father loves the spot light , practically lives in it, while I treat it like a curse, a disease, always running from it. But, of course, that's near to impossible. Who doesn't want to catch a sneak peek at the great (Y/F/N) Stark?

That's right, no one.

And thanks to my spot light, I've been forced into yet another running for my life situation. From a monster? A villain? And ax murder? Nope.

The screaming, raging press.

My shoes make hard contact against sidewalk as I try to keep my hood up and sunglasses on, trying not to attract any more than what is already on my tail. Turning the corner, I still hear the clicking of cameras and the never ending questions of reporters. Terrifying.

Running into an alley with a sudden dead end, I glance around for an exit like a frightened animal. Nothing. No escape. Crap.

I almost decide to try and scale the brink wall when a hand grabs my wrist and drags me into a large gap in the side of the alley. I gasp and nearly scream on instinct, but the same person places their hand over my mouth, muffling my scream.

"You know, instead of screaming most people would say thank you, just a thought", says a male voice, young, into my ear in a whisper, making me shiver.

I think for a second, wait I know that voice...

"Now, are we going for calm and collected now, or shall I just let you get devoured by the press?"

I sigh and mumble calm and collected against his long fingers and he chuckles against me, removing his hand.

"There, now was that so hard?"

I turn my head to face my savoir? Kidnapper? I have no idea, but in the dim light that reaches the gap, I can make out his identity, matching it with the voice and gasp.

Harry Osborn.

My expression goes from confused to shocked to overjoyed as I tackle him in a hug. He laughs, stumbling a bit and hugs me back.

"Oh my gosh, Harry! I missed you!!!"

His dark side swept bangs fall in his face a bit, making his bright blue eyes stand out even more as he smiles at me, "I missed you, too, (Y/N). Honestly, I thought you would have forgot me after ten years"

"Eight", I correct him with a smile and he rolls his eyes.

"My apologies, eight"

We stare at each other for a moment more before I let him out of the bear hug, "So, how has the life of my best friend been? I barley got to say goodbye before you got swept away for boarding school"

"You know, rich students, getting the grades, being a trouble maker, just little old me, how about my goody-two shoes (Y/N)?"

I smile, "Well, instead of going to some fancy school like you, I went to public school, graduated at the second top in my class after some girl named Gwen Stacy"

"Well, I think you should have been valedictorian"

"Thanks, Harry", I say with a soft laugh. Suddenly the sound of approaching press can be heard again, making my eyes go wide. Harry notices my expression and quickly glances in the alley to see where they are and ducks back in.

"Okay, here's the plan, I'll distract them while you make a break for it, we'll meet up at our place, got it?"

I nod. Meeting up at Sweet Frog for the best frozen yogurt anywhere. The place we called our own when we were regular customers as kids. I still go, but Harry hasn't been there in ages.

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