Where My Demons Hide (Castielxreader)

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     Not again. Not now. Please God not now.

     Clutching your knees to your chest, you try to remain calm. You try to rid your mind of those 'demons'. The little dark thoughts that work their way into your thoughts, your mind, your very being. And they come from nowhere. 

     Please...go away. Please...

     Panic attacks. Like a very sensitive switch. The littlest things or nothing at all can flip it and send you spiraling into the darkness where barely anything can penetrate. Only one thing keeps you from falling off that cliff into the black abyss.

     Your guardian angel.

     Well, not literally, but he's the only one who can really keep you sane in your terrifying and crazy life as a hunter. Your mom always said you had one watching over you when you were just a baby, but when she and your dad died in a werewolf attack, you found it hard to remember that. And then the panic attacks came. Chipping away your sanity and that already small part of your brain that keeps you calm since then. Of course, then came your forgotten guardian angel.


     It only took a few seconds for the soft sound of wings to enter your room and for a rough, but sweet voice to speak up. "Makenna? What is wrong?" It takes so much strength for you to lift your face from your balled up form to look into the bright blue eyes of Castiel. Your guardian angel. He looks slightly taken aback by your shaken expression of wild red hair, hot tears streaming down your face, and your dull blue eyes filled with terror and fear. 

     "C-C-Cas... please h-h-help...", you sob wanting to escape the uncontrollable shaking. Cas looks nervous and uncomfortable, not having any idea on how to help you. He stands there for a minute before kneeling beside you and wrapping you in his arms. You stiffen at his unexpected touch, but soon you relax, your shaking subsiding. You twist in his embrace and bury your face in his chest, wetting his trench coat with your tears. Softly he speaks into your hair, "I do hope this is the proper way to deal with emotional stress if that is what you are experiencing" You nod still unable to form a proper sentence.

     "Do you need anything else?", he asks just as softly. It seems he fears that speaking any louder would make you break into pieces into his arms. You shake your head, burying it further into his arms, grateful for the comfort it gives you.

     When the panic attack is finally over, you wipe your tears and pull away hesitantly. Rubbing your wet eyes, you look into Cas's. "T-thank you, Cas..." He nods, "You're welcome. Why were you upset?" You think for a moment and shrug, "I don't know... it just happens. Sometime's it is nothing and I have panic attacks. It usually doesn't last very long, but... it's horrible..."

     "I understand. I hope I helped" You give him a weak smile, as much as you could manage. "You did" He gives you a crooked, awkward smile that makes you laugh softly. He still has to work on it. Not wanting anything else, you rest your head back on his chest as he wraps his arms around you again, more sure of himself this time. You sigh happily and soon fall asleep as he smiles at your small body resting against his, "I'll watch over you" He whispers.

     And with that, you weren't so afraid anymore because as long as you had your guardian angel, your demons couldn't hurt you. No matter how hard they tried.

     A/N: I hope you liked it. I've never had a panic attack before so I couldn't even begin to understand how it feels, but remember this. No matter what, there are people out there for you to run to. People to help you. Because, wither you remember or not, we all have a guardian angel of our own and whenever you need them, they will chase your demons away.


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