Birthday Surprises (Elevenxreader)

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You let out a soft sigh and let your fingers go on auto pilot as they flip through a book that you randomly grabbed. You don't even really process the words, too busy being bored and wondering why today of all days, the Doctor decided to stay in. no new planet or adventure. On your birthday of all days. Usually he'd be rambling 90 mph about random topics as he takes you to a brand new planet like Secphilliam or Quilm. Heck, even going to Clom or Earth would be better than this. Now, you aren't angry at the Doctor for forgetting your birthday because he's got a lot going on in the big brain of his and it's easy to forget the special meaning today has for you.

Just what is he doing you wonder.

Shrugging, you lay back on your (f/c) king sized bed in your awesome TARDIS built room with all your favorite moves, books, and even a few stuffed animals scattered around. You close your eyes to take a nap, but are only awakened by all the lights in your room going out. Raising your eyebrows, you get up out of your bed and make your way carefully to the door so you don't trip on something. You find the door handle and open the door to find even the hallway is pitch black. You squint, trying to ajust to the dark.

"Doctor?", you call out and wait a few moments before you hear a reply. "Over here!", you hear him call back, making you roll your eyes. "Where is 'here'?"

"Follow my voice!" You sigh and shrug. You take your best guess and turn left. You continue making best guesses as he calls to you every once in a while. You hug the walls, hoping you won't hurt yourself on the way. His voice gets louder and louder until you feel a door where his voice sounds like it's coming from inside.

"I'm in here, (Y/N)!", he confirms. You open the door and get a huge shock. Inside the lights are on, so you are blinded for a moment. You blink rapidly and see that the room is full to the brim with a range of different colored loose balloons. "Close the door behind you!", he requests and you do just that, still confused.

"My god, Doctor! Where are you and what is this?!" You hear him laugh.

"Come find me and I'll explain!" You laugh.

"I suck at hide-and-seek!", you say and he chuckles. "Too bad!" You stick your tongue out at him even though he can't see you. "Fine, Chinny! I'll play!" You both laugh and with that you begin to forge your way through the forest of balloons. you keep up conversation with him, coming to dozens of dead ends until he pops out in front of you making you squeal in surprise.

"Doctor!", you exclaim and he nods with his mad grin. "Happy birthday, (Y/N)!", he says making you smile.

"You remembered?" He tilts his head.

"Of course I did! I also made cake! Well, the TARDIS did... I haven't the slightest idea on how to make cake..." He holds out a large (chocolate/vanilla) cake with (f/c) icing. Your favorite!

"Thank you so much!", you say and give him a hug that nearly makes him drop the cake. He holds it in one hand and wraps the other around your waist. "You're very welcome", he whispers in your ear. You smile and kiss his cheek making him go as red as his bow tie. You laugh and you both clear a path out of the room and to the TARDIS kitchen after she turns all the lights back on.

"Why did you turn all the lights off?", you ask as you both eat your pieces of the cake with little party hats on top of your heads. He shrugs, "More fun"

"It was that", you agree as he pulls out a gifted wrapped box. Your eyes light up, "You didn't have to-"

"I wanted to", he interrupts and with that, you open the present and remove the lid to find a red fez and you laugh. "My very own fez! Thank you!", you laugh, remembering how you always have loved the odd little hat. You take off your party hat and place on the fez Doctor-style. He laughs.

"You look brilliant, (Y/N)!" You blush.


Suddenly, the lights flash off again and the room is once more pitch black. You speak softly, "Was that planned?"

"Nope", he replies.

You guess that you both try to get up at the same time from the following sounds of knees knocking against the table and then the TARDIS tilts to the side in a jolt making you lose your footing and fall to the floor. You wait for the hard ground, but you fall is met with something soft. Unfortunately (or not), your lips also connect with something warm and soft. Then kitchen lights flicker on and your already wide eyes widen further once you realize what is happening.

Your kissing the Doctor.

His eyes are also wide and his cheeks are fifty shades of red. Cute any other time, but right now, you are freaking out. You hop off him, speaking a string of apologizes so fast, he should be impressed. Then he shushes you with a finger to your lips. You shut up and look into his eyes.

"I-it's fine, (Y/N)...", he murmers, suddenly shy. He removes his finger and rubs the back of his neck, "I should be the one saying sorry. After all, it's my fault"

"H-how?", you ask and he timidly looks up at you.

"The TARDIS... she knows about... something...", he starts until a harsh humming comes from the TARDIS and he rolls his eyes, "Okay, okay!" he exclaims at her and looks back at you.

"I like you, okay? No... I love you. You're brilliant, smart, funny, clever, fantastic, and beautiful. You remind me so much of myself. I couldn't stop myself. I suppose the second black-out was Sexy's plan to get me to admit that and... it worked. You're one of the few companions she likes, not calling you a stray or anything...", he rambles and with each word, your heart beats faster and the crush for the time lord that you've hidden for so long comes back, stronger than ever.

"Doctor?", you say. He still looks so shy, "Yes?" You take a leap of courage and get on your tip toes and kiss him. He is surprised and tenses at first, but soon closes his eyes and kisses you back. He wraps his arms around your waist and after a few minutes, you break away for air. He smiles like an idiot at you.

"You talk too much", you breath and he chuckles.

"I get that a lot", he replies making you laugh and you kiss again making it the best birthday ever.

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