Kiss The Girl (Teen!RoryxTeen!reader)

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A/N: Kind of an alternate universe thing where Rory and Amy didn't date

There you see her 

Sitting there across the way

Rory peeked over at you as you worked on homework, __h/c__ hair shielding your face from view.

She don’t got a lot to say 

But there’s something about her

You had been silent for the last hour, but it didn’t bother him. He was half working on his own homework, half staring at you. 

And you don’t know why 

But you’re dying to try 

You wanna kiss the girl 

He really, really wanted to kiss you. You were his best friend, and he wanted to kiss you. Rory groaned, running a hand over his face lightly. 

Yes, you want her 

Look at her, you know you do 

“Rory? You okay?” You asked gently, peering over at him as you straightened up, back cracking as you did so. Rory didn’t answer for a moment, his eyes were on your lips, wondering how they’d feel against his own. 

“Hmm? Oh, yeah. I’m fine.” He said quickly, waving a hand nonchalantly. You huffed, crawling out of your chair and walking over to his own chair, sitting right on his lap.

“Rory Arthur Williams, something is bothering you and I’m not moving until you tell me what’s wrong.” You stated firmly, sticking out your tongue at him. 

It’s possible she wants you, too 

There is one way to ask her 

Rory thought for a moment, weighing how much you’d hate him if he just full on kissed you; he really didn’t know how to explain what he was feeling because he himself didn’t know what he was feeling.

It don’t take a word 

Not a single word 

Your encouraged him with your eyes, willing him to tell you about what was wrong. Taking a deep breath, Rory leaned forward, his lips brushing gently against yours. 

He pulled away after only a moment, leaving you wanting more. You had held feelings for Rory for a long time but you always thought he liked someone else, a girl by the name of Amelia Pond, so you pushed your feelings aside, just wanting him to be happy.

But he just kissed you, meaning he must not like Amelia, right? So your hands found the nape of his neck, pulling him closer to you as you kissed him again, fingers curling into his blonde hair. 

Rory’s hands moved cautiously to your hips, keeping you firmly on his lap so you wouldn’t fall. You pulled away from him after a moment, resting your forehead against his. 

“What about Amelia?” You asked quietly, still slightly worried about his answer. 

“Amy? I haven’t liked her in years.” He answered, smiling softly at you. You beamed, leaning in and connecting your lips to his once more. 

Go on and kiss the girl.

A/N: So a short, sweet drabble about the man every Whovian girl compares their man to. And I also had this song along with a short quote stick in my head.

"Say kiss the girl!"

"Kiss the girl!"

So, yeah...

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