If Only For A Little (Tadashixreader)

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A/N: So sorry but I forget who requested this : (

"Tadashi, you really need to get some rest. I know you are dedicated to this thing, but you look like you haven't slept in weeks!" He looks up at you with dull bags under his eyes and his cap backwards, which he never lets happen unless he is truly exhausted. He sighs and glances over at the corner of the lab that has a sleeping bag and a pillow laid out.

"I have been . . . a little." He mumbles, looking a bit guilty. You groan and rub your hand over your face. "That's it, young man. You are going home and getting some real rest." He chuckles softly.

"You're beginning to sound like Aunt Cass." You raise an eyebrow. "Then you know how dangerous I can be when I get upset." He puts up his hands. 

"Alright, alright! Don't hurt me. Just let me finish up this test." You nod, making him promise to go home right after. He picks up his little chalk board with crossed out numbers, too tired to erase them, you guess.  He walks up to the giant marshmallow of a robot called Baymax. How he got his name was actually your idea. It is the name of your favorite character from a little kids' show you still watch. The main character, Baymax, is sort of a superhero and goes around saving the day with math. Cliche, you know, but it's kind of adorable. Secretly, Tadashi loves it just as much as you do.

He looks into Baymax's recorders and rubs his neck anxiously."This is the-" He glances at the board. "The eighty-fourth test." He sighs and gives a little smile to you, one that you return with a smile and two thumbs up. He looks to Baymax.

"What do you say, big guy?" Tadashi pushes in the medical chip and you cross your fingers, hoping that it finally works. 

The giant robot speaks in his monotone voice, making your hope rise. "Hello. I am Baymax. Your personal health care companion." Even from a distance, you can she Tadashi's eyes widen with amazement. 

"It works," he whispers. "It works!" He grins widely, losing all signs of his previous exhaustion. "I can't believe it!" He pumps the air chanting 'I knew it' and then he runs over to you and twirls you in the hair, making you laugh. "Tadashi! I'm getting dizzy!" He just laughs.

"I'm so happy I could kiss you!" 

This makes you both pause, staring wide eyed at each other. He snaps out of it first, face red, and puts you down. "I uh you know . . .just, heat of the moment. Sorry." Before you can say anything, he goes over to Baymax.

"Okay. Big moment here. Scan me." Baymax's eyes move up and down and then he beeps.

"Your neurotransmitter levels are elevated. This indicates that you are happy." Tadashi nearly crumples with joy, making you giggle.

"I am! I really am! Ah, man. Wait til my brother sees you. You're gonna help so many people, buddy. So many." He grins at you, but sees you are still stunned, frozen in place. "That's uh all for now, buddy. I'm satisfied with my-whatever." He walks over to you and kneels down slightly so he his face to face with you.  

"Hey, we did it! Are you okay?", he asks, concern lacing his voice. Baymax glances over to the two of you, still recording and slightly confused. He scans the both of you secretly and draws attention from his beep.

"Her skin appears to be flushing, breathing is heavier, and palms are sweaty. It appears her brain is experiencing a biochemical rush of dopamine, norepinephrine and phenylethylamine. These are most often connected to the emotion of love." Your cheeks become hotter and you bury your face in your hands, slightly cursing the robot.

Tadashi takes a moment to process this and glances at you and smiles at your reaction .Gently he takes your hands and lowers them from your face, revealing an expression of worry and embarrassment, proving Baymax's scan true. He chuckles softly.

"You know, if I would have know that it would have taken a nurse robot's scan to tell me that you feel that same, I would have fixed him even sooner." 

"The same? What do you-" You are cut off by his soft lips colliding with yours. A little squeak makes its way past your lips before you melt into the kiss. You feel his hands wrap gently around you waist as you wrap your around his neck. 

"You both appear to have quickened heart rates, but lack of oxygen.  I suggest you breathe before fainting from lack of blood to your brain." Baymax's diagnosis only makes the two of you laugh, breaking apart and following 'doctor's orders'. 

"Baymax knows best.", you say making him chuckle.

"That he does."

The video ends, showing the two of you smiling like idiots at each other, making Hiro grin widely with tears in his eyes. He had always known (Y/N), ever since she moved in next door to the brothers three years ago. He always knew there was something between her and Tadashi, he just didn't know when the two knuckleheads would admit it to each other. Apparently, it took a robot to get them together. They were only together for a couple of weeks before . . . before the fire.

The fire that killed them both.

Hiro sniffs and looks up at the friendly nurse bot. "Thanks, Baymax. For showing me that and-" he chuckles. "For getting those two idiots together." Baymax tilts his head.

"You are welcome, Hiro."

The little superhero smiles, thinking about how happy his brother looked when he found out you liked him. It was a look even greater than the one he gave when Baymax worked. A look of true love. 

He was happy and in love. If only for a little while.



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