Blooming Feelings(Peter/PietroMaximoffxreader) X-Men

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                             You screw your eyes tight, trying to focus on the energy around you and nothing else. You can feel your own energy slowly slipping from you as you attempt to push your known limits. It doesn't help to keep your mind filled with only the peaceful inhabitants of the small quiet forest behind the Xavier's School of Gifted Youngsters. Did I say quiet? For the most part except for the fact that the most annoying yet fastest boy on Earth is running impossibly fast circles around you.

                              "Come on, (Y/N)! Focus on the forest and stuff! Just like Professor Storm said!", he calls, whipping your (h/c) hair in your face. You let out a small growl. You know he's only trying to help, but could he just be still for one moment?!

                              "I am, Peter... But it would also help if I didn't feel like I was in the middle of a tornado!", you speak through your teeth, trying to not lash out at your best friend. Usually, you are fairly calm, but your patience is running thin from the little positive result you are getting. The wind around you comes to a stop and you let out a relieved sigh, "Thank you" You breath and go back to concentrating on building what little power you have based on what Professor Storm taught you.

                                Focus on the Earth. The life around you. The energy. Everything has life, energy, (Y/N). Channel it. Use it to your advantage. 

                                You focus on Professor Storm's words as you do just that. Using the life around you to your own advantage. In your mind, you envision everything around you in your mind. The tallest trees that echo their energy deep into the ground through their roots. The grass beneath your very feet. The soft breeze that makes them tickle your bare ankles. You then imagine every bird, every wild being, large and small, every leaf, every blade of grass, every breath and every heartbeat that the forest itself gives off. The entire forest acts as one living thing. As one part of the whole of nature on all of Earth. Then you blend all the energy into one goal and slowly, you raise your arms. You feel the heartbeat and breath of the forest becoming in sync with yours as you become one. Then you release it.

                              "Whoa!", exclaims Peter as you feel all your energy drain from your being as soon as you release it. You fall to your knees and breath heavily. You feel a flash breeze and then feel a gentle hand on your shoulder, "You okay?" You nod tiredly and open your eyes to see your effect. 

                               All you did was grow a tree.

                               You feel light headed, but still furious. You did everything Professor Storm said and all you could do was grow one stupid tree?! Peter could feel you shake slightly in anger and he try to calm you down, "Hey. It's fine. That was awesome. That's the biggest tree I've ever seen!" All it did was make you feel worse.

                               "Exactly! A tree! How can I defend myself with a tree?!", you growl through your clenched teeth. Before Peter can speak, you continue, "I'm useless! Professor Storm can channel electricity and Blink can make portals and you can move faster than ever imagined! And all I can do it grow a stupid tree!" He sighs, running his hand through his silver hair. He then grabs your hands and helps you stand up. You can feel his hands vibrating slightly from trying to stand still.

                                "(Y/N)... you can't be so hard on yourself. If you do that, then you will probably find it harder to focus. You need to relax", he says softly. You look up into his brown eyes raising an eyebrow.

                                "The fastest boy on Earth telling me to relax? You do realize your hands are vibrating, right?", you say and he chuckles. He runs on of his hand through your hair, messing it in a playful way making you calm down a little. It's kind of ironic. The most un-relaxed guy on Earth can take you from boiling mad to your regular 'down to Earth' personality with a smile smile, chuckle, and a playful rustle of your hair that you pretend to hate. It's been like that ever since you met on your first day of school at Xavier's. You found out you had powers a couple months ago (You were what they jokingly called a 'late bloomer') and when you were almost late for your first class, you were approached by the boy wonder. 

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