Don't Call Me That (PeterParkerxreader)

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For @ChristielJackson 

     Peter's POV:

     I dodge the attack of bullets with my enhanced reflexes thanks to a little-but-dangerous spider that my dad designed. In my red supersuit, I release a string of silk to a light pole and kick out my legs to knock down the robber. His gun flies from his hands and I quickly web it to a window. His partner tries to catch me off guard, but I see him and tie the both of them in a giant net of spider silk. I smile, happy with another good day's work. Then I get a surprise that even my spider sense couldn't catch.

     Another robber that was hidden behind the getaway car.

     He pulls out a gun, his finger on the trigger and pushes it. The bullet would have hit me, most likely ending in a fatal wound, if it wasn't for a sudden whoosh of air. Normally, wind isn't weird, but when it's a superhero situation like that, it could only mean one thing. Well, person.


     All I can do is blink before the third robber is in hand-cuffs and buckled down in a near-by police car. He looks shocked, wondering what the heck just happened, but I know only she could have done this. Waiting only a moment, she is in front of me with a cocky smirk. Her outfit is pretty simple. A black shirt with the text 'Don't Blink' in bold white letters, black jeans, black converse that is obviously pretty worn down, a unique silver jacket, and a pair of biker goggles. Thanks to the goggles, weirdly enough, it makes it hard to decide who she really is. All I know is her outfit with (e/c) eyes and (h/c) hair pulled into a high ponytail. 

     "You really should be more careful, Bug-boy." She smirks, her foot tapping at a remarkable rate. I've known ever since we first met that 'calm' and 'still' are not in her vocabulary. I roll my eyes even though she can't see me through my mask. "I was... I had it handled." I remark.

     She scoffs, "Sure you did. Is that why everything is on fire?" I look around and see that, in fact, there are a couple police cars on fire and well as a couple other things. I sigh. Despite her being anything than easy to get along with, I crack a smile. Her sassy attitude is something to be admired. "Okay, maybe you did. I still could have handled it and don't call me that!" Velocity laughs. 

     "No chance, Bug-boy." I sigh before she surprises me with a kiss to the cheek and my head snaps up only to meet nothing. A whoosh of air flies past me as she whispers by my ear, "See you around, Bug-boy." And then she is gone.

     The police collect the robbers as I 'fly' away and think about the superspeeder. I met her about a month ago, but still haven't found out who she really is and it is bugging me. No pun intended. She doesn't know who I am either... I think.

     Your POV:

     In no time, you are home and you remove your goggles from your face. "Good job, (Y/N).", you say with a smile to your reflection in your mirror. Removing your shoes and changing into a more comfortable Doctor Who shirt and plaid pajama bottoms at an alarming rate.

     Then you think about the one and only Spider-man, but of course, you know who he really is. You aren't stupid like he hopes you are, to be fooled by the mask. Peter Parker may be a genius, but so are you. You noticed his voice right away and the attitude came after. He doesn't know who you are though which gives you so much freedom. In school, you are the shy, nerdy, (Y/N) (Y/L/N) who keeps in the back of the class reading books. Nothing too extraordinary about that. But when you step into your 'superhero' outfit, you become someone more outgoing, fun, and a little flirty, as you have shown around Peter. No one knows who you are, no one to judge, a really fast mystery.

     You look out your window and you smile, watching Peter's, well, Spider-man's silhouette pass by almost as fast as you thanks to the strings of spider web silk. You rest your temple against the cool glass and sigh. You've admitted a long time ago that you are head over heels for the web slinger. Both Spider-man and Peter Parker. That's another reason you are thankful your outfit hides your identity. You've always been afraid that if he knew who you really were, he wouldn't like you.

      Suddenly, a thousands of screams echoed through the streets and you look out your window to see the Rhino in his, well, rhino-like mechanical outfit. You groan. 

      "One day! One villain free day is all I ask!"

       You begin to sulk over to your costume when you see an object fly past your window, hurling toward the ground below. You follow the shape and see it is a little kid. You gasp and use your superspeed to run down the stairs of your apartment and right under the falling kid. You catch him as soon as he comes to your height. You smile.

      It's Josh, your neighbors' above you little boy.  Seeing that he is safe though unconscious is a relief.

      You run over to his parents, place him in their arms, and run into the fight. 'Spider-man' or Peter is fighting the Rhino, but clearly losing. The weapons attached to the machine are setting off too fast and too powerful for the guy's reflexes. Even super spiders can be squashed. 

      Within a moment's notice, you are behind the Rhino, unnoticed. Using your engineer class lessons, you see a couple of wires that can be used as a last minute off switch. In a second, you disconnect the specific wires and the Rhino's suit crumples leaving you in clear view with a triumphant smile on your face. Until Peter speaks up.

      "(Y/N)?" You meet the spider's eyes and see surprise etched on your face. Only then did you notice that you, in fact, forgot your costume. You are still in your pajamas with your face clearly exposed. 

       "Uh . . ." With a burst of superspeed, you run away from the scene of the crime and into your bedroom. You breath heavily, not from running, but from the horrible fact that he finally knew who you were. The mysterious Velocity. The super heroin who always flirted with him. Only just the shy girl from class. Nothing like a true hero.

      You collapse on your bed, ready to cry when you hear a tapping on your window. You look up and see Peter, without his mask, but still in his suit, balancing on your window edge. You groan, not ready to face this yet. Despite your better judgement, you open the window thanks to Peter's best puppy dog face.  Without a word, he climbs through and stands in front of you. Ready for him let you down easy, you try and prepare yourself, but nothing could prepare you for him grabbing your cheeks gently and kissing you. With a little squeak, your eyes widen in surprise. Although, after a moment, you melt in his arms and kiss back. After a moment, you break apart for air.

      "(Y/N) . . . I have always have had a crush on you. I'm a sucker for the smart, pretty girls like you. You being a superhero like me makes you even hotter. I love you. Do you . . . feel the same?" He looks so shy and red-faced it almost makes you laugh. Your heart pounds, taking it in until you smile, one he's seen too often when you were disguised at Velocity.

       "Of course I do, Bug-Boy. I did  kiss you back! Any more stupid questions?" He chuckles, happy that he can still get the sassy Velocity when you're just (Y/N).

       "Can you kiss me some more?"

        You laugh. "Why not?" And with that, you two share probably the best kiss of all time. Anyone who says differently is just jealous. 


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