Not About Angels (steverogersxsinging!reader)

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You're POV:

I sit down at the piano. Its a perfect size for me and my room. Black, small, and placed in the corner of my room, right where I like it. I smile and run my fingers gently over the polished wood of the top and then the cool keys that I use to make the music I love so much. I brush a loose piece of hair behind my ear and begin to play a small musical intro before continuing into the song.

We know full well there's just time

So is it wrong to dance this line?

My voice rolls over the words with its beautiful notes by fingers gently dancing over the keys making the music fill my room. This is when I can just think, my mind wondering and not thinking about everything else going on at Stark Tower, well Avenger Tower living here with my fellow superheros and my brother, Tony Stark. Just music, and the feelings the certain song produces for me. That's all.

If your heart was full of love

Could you give it up?

I close my eyes, having played the song enough to let my fingers know subconsciously where they should be and the timing needed to be there. Soon enough, my mind turns to the one thing its been filled with lately. Steve Rogers.

Cause what about, what about angels?

They will come; they will go; make us special

The sweet super soldier; man out of time. The very man I've come to fall for and boy, did I fall hard. His blonde hair always parted on the side in that old-fashioned way and his baby blue eyes that seem to sparkle in the sunlight. The cute way he tries to adjust to the 21st century, so new to the simplest of things from toasters to cell phones to computers.

Don't give me up

Don't give me up

Of course he would never like me the same way. We've been on plenty of missions and he's become my best friend. We hang out together, get coffee in our free time, watch Disney movies, play video games, or just talk. Whatever we're doing together, I love it, just being with him is enough. Just his presence makes my day so much better and happier. I don't know how he does it, almost like a secret superpower. One I wish I possessed myself.

How unfair is it's just our luck

Found something real that's out of touch

But if you searched the full wide world

Would you dare to let it go?

Its just never going to happen...

Steve's POV:

Another mission completed. I change into a more comfortable white t-shirt, khakis, and just socks before relaxing on the couch, happy from another victory. But I was a little confused. (Y/N) came with me back to Stark Tower after the mission we completed together, but she simply went to her room, saying nothing accept a simple 'Good job'.

I decide to ask Tony about this.

"Oh, she does that sometimes. I bet she's up in her room right now in her 'Piano' state", he states.

I furrow my eyebrows a bit, "Piano state?"

He nods, "Its when she sits down at her beloved piano and just plays the first song to mind and just thinks. Going through the day kind of thing just with music"

I nod in understanding, "So I haven't upset her?"

Tony chuckles, "I don't think so, Capsicle, but I'd check up on her just to make sure your not on her bad side. The longer your there, the worse it gets. If your in trouble, fix it quick"

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