My Little Plan (slight)(Lokixreader)

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You were sat on the SHIELD helicarrier watching the live feed of Loki's cell. He was currently being interrogated by Director Fury however they didn't seem to be getting anywhere.

Loki had successfully gone through four interrogators in the last few hours and now even Fury looked close to breaking point, Loki on the other hand just calmly sat there with that smug smirk on his face.

You watched as Fury finally snapped and stormed out of the door. He marched away from the hold to cell and over to where you and a load of other agents were,

"He is insufferable!" Fury cried to Agent Hill,

"I'm taking it he didn't tell you anything Sir?" A young man sitting next to you asked, Fury just glared at him,

"So what do we do now?" Agent Sitwell asked, walking over to the group,

"How about Romanoff?" The agent in charge of interrogations asked,

"No," Fury snipped, "She doesn't do interrogations and besides she's busy with Rogers."

You turned back to the screen and watched as Loki shifted in his seat when an idea popped into your head,

"Let me have a go," You said, turning back to Fury and the other agents,

"No we can't," The head of interrogations replied, "You're not qualified in interrogations it's against protocol-"

"Oh let her," Fury sighed, "We stopped following protocol a while ago with him,"

"Yeah and you never know because she doesn't have training. She might be able to come up with something we haven't," Hill commented. You frowned slightly, not sure whether you should take that as an insult or not.

"Follow me," Sitwell announced, heading off towards Loki's cell.

Loki's eyes fell upon you as soon as you walked into the room,

"Who have they brought me this time?" He asked, his voice melting over you, "Who did they think could break me even though Fury couldn't? Did they have to send off for a new interrogator? I know you've already used the best you have on me. So who are you?"

"I'm none of those things," you replied calmly, "I usually just monitor the surveillance cameras," Loki frowned in confusion,

"So why have they let you in here?"

"Because I asked," you answered honestly, however this didn't lessen Loki's confusion. You smiled slightly. "They're desperate,"

"I know," Loki replied. "But why did you ask?"

"Because I have an idea,"

"That you think will make me tell you my plan?" Loki said with an arched eyebrow.


Loki's eyes narrowed as you started to walk over to him. He was obviously intrigued,

"And what is your plan?" Loki asked when you didn't say anything.

"I think it's me who should be asking that question," You told him. "So, Loki, what's your plan?"

"Your plan was just to ask me? Do you not think they've tried that already?"

"I'm sure they have and no, that wasn't my plan; I just thought I'd ask you before I put my plan into action, you know, give you a way out," Loki smirked.

"You can ask me all you want I'm not going to tell you my plan,"

"Very well," You said. "I'll just have to start my plan,"

"Do your wor-ssssstttttt!" The end of Loki's sentence turned into a squeal as you dug your fingers tips into his hips.

"Oh I will," you mused before again attacking Loki's side, who let out another squeal and jerked in his seat.

"You're going to have to do worse than tha-" Loki started before dissolving into a fit of giggle as you ran your fingers up his sides. You grinned to yourself as you saw his reaction before doing it again.

"Please!" Loki cried between giggles. "St-OOOP!"

"Are you going to tell me what your plan is?"


"You're choice," you said, digging your fingers into Loki's hips again.

Loki burst out laughing again and started to squirm in his chair, trying to get away from your fingers but no matter where he moved he couldn't escape. All of a sudden a particularly vicious attack from you made Loki jerk forward and fall off of his chair.

"Ah ha!" You cried jumping on top of Loki and straddling his waist.

"Let me goooo!" Loki cried as you started to tickle him again.

"You know what you have to do to make me stop" You reminded him as you grabbed hold of his wrists and tugged his arms above his head.

"Nooo" Loki squealed as you started to tickle under his arms. Loki instantly dissolved into a puddle of laughter. He tried to curl into himself however this didn't work well due to the fact you were sitting on him and hold his arms above his head.

"FINE!" Loki yelled finally, after you'd been tickling him for a while.

"Fine what?" You asked as you stopped your attack,

"Fine, I'll tell you my plan. Just please stop" He breathed, trying to regain his breath from laughing so hard.

"Go on then," You said, letting go of Loki's wrists and sitting up. Loki let out a shuddery breath before saying.

"The hulk"


"My plan is to release the hulk"

"And the tesseract? Where is that?"

"On its way to Stark's tower" Loki sighed. You nodded and got up.

"I've got something" You said into your earpiece as you walked over to the exit.

As you reach the door you turned to look back to Loki who was still lying on the floor with his eyes closed.

"Thank you" You said with a smug smirk of your own. "Thank you for all your help."

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