All I Want For Christmas Is You (casxreader)

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        dedicated to @personalspaceissues


        Sleep... too early...


        Five more minutes...


        Another voice speaks, but is too soft for your sleepy ears to hear and then all of a sudden you hear the first voice whisper in your ear.

        "Merry Christmas, (Y/N)"

        Christmas?... Christmas!!!

        Your eyes snap open only to see Castiel, angel of the lord, putting his face to yours only inches away staring at you causing you to scream and fall off the bed.

        "What the hell, Cas?!"

        He blinks and stares at you before speaking, "I am sorry, I was not aware that you would react that way to seeing me. Is this a ritual on Christmas?"

        You sigh, " No, its a reaction when I wake up to see someone taking up my personal space and scaring the shit out of me"

        He simply tilts his head in his signature way hand holds out it two fingers toward your forehead, "Do you need healed?"

        You duck under his fingers and get up around him, standing up, " No, I'm fine, no need for angel mojo, now please let me wake up properly", you pause, "I'm missing something... Something important... its... its..."

        "Christmas", says Dean from the other side of the room with a smug smirk on his face, one you want to slap off. Its not that you hate your older brother its just, you hate him. You have moments when you love him to death, but mornings are not those moments, not even Christmas mornings.

        "Shut up, Dean, I was going to get it soon enough"

        He just chuckles and shakes his head, " I'll be downstairs eating the Christmas pie, cookies, and having eggnog if you need me"

        You hear him head downstairs before you wake up fully and realize what he said, " Wait! Cookies?! Save some for me!"

        You are about to run downstairs before smirking and turning to Cas, " Cas? Be a dear and poof me down to the cookies to beat my cookie stealing brother"

        You could swear you could see a faint smile on his face, but it disappears and you ignore it. He nods taking your hand and you both appear by the table of Christmas sweets. You smile and give Cas a quick hug causing him to stiffen slightly and then rush to grab some cookies, beating Dean who just runs in.

        "You cheater! You got Cas to help you!", Dean exclaims.

        You laugh and bite into your cookie, "You never said I couldn't therefore I simply just used what was available"

        Sam walks into the kitchen hearing your conversation, " Let me guess, another yearly Christmas cookie race?"

        You smile and nod holding up your cookie, "I won!"

        Sam chuckles and grabs a cookie and turn to everyone else, "Ready for presents?"

        You grin. hopping up and down, "Yes! Presents!",you are like a little kid on Christmas only person coming close to your immaturity is Dean, but not close enough, "Come on!"

        Everyone laughs and follows your quick feet to the main room of the bunker where a giant tree is set up with lights, ornaments, and brightly wrapped presents beneath.

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