Potterhead (SpencerReidxreader)

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  "Oh, I almost forgot. Here." Gideon said as he handed the box to Reid.

"I told you not to get me anything. . . ," Reid grumbled as he opened the box. Inside were two tickets to A Very Potter Musical. Reid looked at them in confusion.

"I did enjoy the books, but why these, and why two?" Reid asked. Gideon glanced over to where you were sitting on the plane, rereading Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. Again. It must have been the hundredth time you've decided to reread the series.

"The only person in the world who calls you Little Einstein is a huge Potterhead," Gideon said with another pointed glance at you. Reid furrows his brows for a moment, unfamiliar with that word, until Gideon explains. You however, were oblivious, getting lost in the world of Harry Potter all over again. Reid glanced over at you, a slight blush tinting his pale face.

"H-how am I supposed to ask her? And what if she says no?" Reid stuttered out. Gideon smiled at the shy boy genius.

"Here's an idea: Go over there, get her attention, then hold up the tickets," Gideon suggested with a smirk. Reid took a shaky breath before he nodded and slowly walked over to you.

"Hey (y/n)?" Reid asked nervously. You placed your bookmark in your book before shutting it and looking up.

"Oh hey Little Einstein!" You said cheerfully. Your eyes then flicked to his hand which had two tickets to, did that say A Very Potter Musical?! Your eyes flicked back to Reid, who was watching you anxiously.

You grinned and jumped up, your book falling to the floor with a thud. Reid looked startled, and you stood on your tiptoes before you flung your arms around his neck. You could feel the rest of the team watching you, but you kept your arms wrapped firmly around his neck.

~At the Play~

You had wrapped your arm around Spencer's, just for the hell of it, and you knew he was blushing. You laughed slightly at him, and what was happening on the stage. You couldn't believe you were watching Darren Criss in person! You loved him on Glee, and seeing him dressed up as Harry Potter was perfect. You sighed in contentment, and continued to watch.

When the play ended, you and Spencer waited until the theater was mostly empty before you started to leave. You were walking when you felt a tap on your shoulder and turned around. You came face to face with Darren Criss. You froze up, and Reid noticed.

"Hi!" Darren said cheerfully. "I was wondering if you wanted to go get a drink with me and some of the others?" You were terribly surprised, and wondered why he would ask you. Darren, as if reading your thoughts, spoke again.

"You were the only person here wearing a Harry Potter shirt." He said with a grin as he looked at your Hogwarts shirt. You smiled back, but shook your head slightly.

"Thanks, but I've got to get the mister here back to bed," You said with a wink at Reid. Darren nodded in understanding.

"Ah well, give me a call sometime?" He asked as he slipped you a piece of paper.

"Definitely. Great performance by the way!" You said as you and Reid walked away.

Reid and you drove back to the hotel you were staying at, you were in Michigan on a case and the rest of the team had allowed you to take a break for the rest of the day and night. Reid, being the gentleman he is, walked you back to your hotel room.

"Hey (y/n)," Reid said softly.


"Why would you say no to Darren? Studies show that more girls would pick a guy like him over a guy like me." Reid continued.

"What exactly do you mean "a guy like him" and "a guy like me"?" You asked as you tried to unlock the door to your room.

"I mean a guy who's attractive, smart, talented, and muscular like Darren, and the book-smart type of guy like me." You turned around to look at him.

"Reid, you are all of those things too. Now help me get this damn door open." You said as you faced the door again. Reid walked up closer to you, your back was touching his chest, and easily unlocked the door. You turned around to ask him how the hell he had done that, but stopped when you saw how close he was to you. You wanted to kiss him so badly it hurt, so you gave in to the pain, and pressed a gentle kiss to his cheek. It helped a bit, but also made you want more.

"Hey Little Einstein," You said as you looked at his blushing face.

"W-what?" He stuttered out.

"They gave us the whole night off too, right?" Reid looked at you in confusion before giving a nod of his head. You smiled before you grabbed his arm and pulled him into your room.

-Extended Ending Thing-

The next morning at breakfast in the hotel, Morgan noticed that Reid had dark circles under his eyes. Not to mention his clothes are the same he wore yesterday. Only one thing really came to his mind.

"Hey Pretty Boy, what did you and (y/n) do last night?" Morgan asked, his eyebrow raised and a smirk on his face.

Reid nearly coughed up his coffee.


"Wow . . . that was . . . ,"you breath though catching your breath is hard. Reid nods beside you.


You make eye contact and laugh.

"I can't believe we watched all of the Harry Potter movies in a row. That's, like, what? Eighteen hours?!" He shrugs.

"Seventeen hours and thirty minutes not counting the minutes we paused it for restroom breaks, food runs, and small discussions about certian scenes." You glance at the clock and giggle.

"Oh my god! It's five in the morning! You need to get home, bucko! We need be at work in an hour!" You stand up, taking the Hogwarts themed blanket off the two of you that you had on since you got cold halfway through Chamber of Secrets. He stands up also.

"What about you?" he asks, a little concerned about the tired look on your face although your perk personality says otherwise.

You laugh softly. "Don't worry. I'm used to staying up most of the night. How do you think I make it through two books a night? It takes discipline!" He chuckles and runs a hand through his hair.

"Good night, (y/n)."

"Good night, Little Einstein."

He gives you a friendly kiss on the cheek that makes you melt inside despite you trying to convince yourself that it doesn't mean anything. You close the door gently behind him and smile to yourself.

"I'll tell him one day . . . I swear on the Unbreakable Vow." 

The End♥

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