Rainbow Umbrella(Sherlockxreader)

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        Rain in London. Not exactly hard to come by. In fact, it rains almost everyday with sort breaks of sun. To some that would be a bothersome, but to you, Well, you loved the rain.

        You sat on the window cushion seat, your legs pulled up to your chest and a good book in your hands. The patter of rain on the glass and roof was calming to you and also made you glad you were off work today. One, you didn't feel like going to work in the rain and getting soaked and second, you prefer sitting in the flat you shared with your brother John Watson and his partner in crime, Sherlock Holmes.

        Honestly, you didn't know what to call the consulting detective. Was he your friend? Colleague? Acquaintance? You had no clue, but you did know you had a crush on him for quite some time. Sure, he could be a bloody arse sometimes, but other times he could be rather nice or 'showing sentiment' as he called it.

         From the first time you set foot in 221B, he was a bit different around you, seeing that you were a bit different of a person completely. Harder to read, didn't go mad over the head in the fridge, and actually was interested not in the overall cases, but the deductions on how he solved them step by step.

        He was simply a remarkable man.

        "(Y/N), what are you doing?" asks a familiar voice. You turn your heard from the window to meet eyes with the curly haired, cheekboned detective you were thinking about moments earlier.

        "Watching the rain and reading a book" you say with a smile causing him to frown slightly in confusion.

        "What is so interesting about the rain to watch it? It is only water against a window"

        "I find it calming, hearing and watching the rain, just relaxing"

        He nods in understanding "It seems like a waste of time to me, you would be much better off helping me solve a case, but of course, no case! Bored!" He groans and sits in his chair, sprawled out wearing his purple dress shirt, black pants, and no shoes. You smiles, shaking your head and he notices.

        "What is so funny?"


        "Don't be so vague, what about me?"

        "Just... you" you say not really able to explain it "You're an odd cookie"

        He raises his eyebrow "Odd cookie?"

        "You know, you're different, I find it rather funny"

        He opens his mouth to speak, but comes up with nothing, you are defiantly bad at explaining yourself.

You give up trying to explain it to him and get an idea, "Have you ever danced in the rain before?"

He raises an eyebrow, "Why the bloody hell would I do that?"

"I take that as a no", you say with a smile as you stand up, getting feeling back in your legs, "That's what we'll do"

"I'm not going to dance in the rain, (Y/N)", he states closing his eyes, placing his fingertips up to his lips.

Thinking for a second, you know exactly how to get the consulting detective to bend to your will.

"Its an experiment"

Sherlock opens his left eye, making you smirk, "And whatever do you mean by that?"

"Well, you've never done it before and I doubt that you've seen anyone do it, SO it will be something new for you and it could be an experiment on... emotions or something"

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