Written In The Stars (11thDoctorxreader)

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How come the "Ultimate Guide To The Perfect Valentines Day" only accommodated for boring cliché human activities?

The Doctor sighed, throwing the book far into the TARDIS's library, never to be seen again. He wanted to do something different. Something unique. 

But after letting you travel with him in the TARDIS, what was left to show you?

He heard the loud thump of the useless book hitting a distant wall. Somehow, it made him smile, but then he frowned as instantly he became apologetic. 

"Sorry Sexy." He whispered softly, running a hand over an exceptionally old bookshelf. He still had a very soft spot for his TARDIS, even if she hated you.

He wondered back to the control room, glancing carefully around each corner in case he were to accidentally find you, or you were to 'accidentally' find him. 

But you'd only have to know where he was headed to find him.

And find him you did. 

Or, more precisely, the Doctor found you sitting on a chair in the control room, watching him with a grin.

"Why are you grinning?" He asked as he folded his fingers nervously.

"Your face." You smiled. 

"My face?" He looked puzzled, and it was too damn adorable.

"You're up to something." You stated, watching his façade fall down around him. 

He composed himself very quickly. 

"And what would I be up to?" He asked less-than-innocently. 

"Something you don't want me to know about. You're a bad liar." You narrowed your eyes as if trying to figure him out. 

"I can't be a bad liar if I'm not lying!" He demanded.

"That's a lie."

"No it's not."

"That too."

"No-..." He growled inwardly. 

"What you up to?" You asked with a childish curiosity, swinging your legs. If the Doctor was going to lie, he needed to be specific. 

"I'm..." Damn his blank mind. "I...am..." He was nodding slowly.

You frowned at him. 

"You are?" You lifted an eyebrow. His mouth gaped for a few moments as he tried to formulate an answer. 

"I am...recalibrating." He nodded. 

"Recalibrating what?" Your eyes deadpanned. 

"I'm just recalibrating."

"No, ew, don't give me those mental images." You shuddered, trying to clear your mind. "You know what, I don't really want to know. Not if you're going to say things like that." You shooed him away with your hand, and he nodded as he scuttled off, feeling his face fluster uncontrollably. 


In an old fairytale, Hansel and Gretel had left a trail of breadcrumbs to follow to lead them home.

That's why, as you followed a trail of paper shards through the TARDIS, you weren't entirely sure if it was the Doctor's way of not-getting-lost. 

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