Monkey (NinthDoctorxChild!Reader)

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A/N: I'm going to start doing imagines with both genders. I didn't do it before bc I'm so used to reading fem!reader that I only remember that kind. I will do later imagines with both or non gender specific like this imagine. There are far too little male!readers out there and I feel I should help pick up the slack.

"(Y/n) get back here this instant with those bananas and my jacket! How you can run in that is beyond me! Come on you need to sleep!" The Doctor cried as he ran after you.

"Why monkey? You're obviously a monkey! Monkey's like bananas!"

"Well I know a monkey named Susan and he hated bananas! And just because I happen to like bananas doesn't mean I'm a monkey!"

"Look it! I'm the Doctor! Doctor the monkey and I like bananas bananas are good! I wear a leather jacket and I think I'm fantastic because I can fly a spaceship and reach the top floor buttons on elevators!"

"Oi! Bananas are good! Great source of potassium! It's past midnight (Y/n) you really need to sleep!"

"I don't wanna sleep! I wanna eat more candy!"

"You ate all the candy!" The Doctor said as he gained on you.

He scooped you up in his arms and you squealed. 

"Let go! Let go!" You whimpered.

He chuckled and walked into your bedroom setting you on your bed. You went to jump back up and run out the door but he had it blocked. You frowned.

"I may be only 6 but I have rights! This is...blasphemy! This is supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! YOU'RE OBVIOUSLY THE MAN AND YOU WANT TO KEEP ME DOWN! WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM THE MAN?......Wait hold on a're the Doctor not the Man...that'd be a kinda stupid Time Lord name....WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM THE DOCTOR?!"

The Doctor raised an eyebrow. "Well a few things. First I'm 900 so that beats 6 I'm sure. Second. Do you even know what that means? Third Mary Poppins was actually a Time Lady. And fourth you've been watching too much hippie rubbish."

"Well no I don't know what it means but it sounded smart in my head. Third it's so cool that you knew Mary Poppins! And I have not!" You said as he picked you up again.

He smirked and grabbed a book off the shelf. He laid on the bed and you laid next to him, your head on his chest so you could listen to his hearts beat. You saw the book he had was a Sherlock Holmes book. You recognized the cover. It was The Hounds of Baskerville.

"Your hearts are still beating" You said.

"Thanks for letting me know! I was worried for a minute!" He said as you giggled at his sarcasm.

"You're the nicest old man I've met Doctor!"

"And you're the nicest companion I've had. That's your age at least."

"So I think I will allow you to read me this book and then I might go to bed."

"Oh you'll allow me huh?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah! Because I'm nice like that" You said as a matter o' factly. 

"You trying to sound tough?" He asked gruffly and you smiled. 

You had always loved the way he said most things. Fantastic and tough being the top two. Both tied for first of course.

"Yeah a bit. Was it working?"

"I was practically quivering! Anyway you'll be asleep in 9 minutes I guarantee." He said with a smile.

"Bring it on! I bet I won't!"


"Hm...she was right. 8 minutes." The  Doctor mumbled carefully taking you off his chest and setting you in the bed. "Sweet dreams (Y/n)" He said kissing your forehead and walking out of the room to go and plan your next adventures together. Preferably somewhere with less candy...

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