Hello, hello, anybody out there? (samxreader)

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        (Y/N)'s POV:

           Hello, hello, anybody out there? Cause I don't hear a sound


        That's all I can do anymore. Scream until my voice goes hoarse, my tears run out, and I have nothing left to do, but pray.

          Ironic, I know. Praying in hell. But its my last choice, praying to be saved by anything, anyone. I just want to go home...

        Alone, alone, I don't really know where the world is but I miss it now

        I take in a shaky breath trying to block out the screams from the other souls around me in a red light. The overwhelming copper smell of blood stains the air, making me hate every breath I take. I've been through so much pain that the torture at this point is just numb, the only poof of it is my bloodied, destroyed body.

        Then I scream.


        Its the one word that makes me cry yet gives me hope all the same.

        I'm out on the edge and I'm screaming my name, like a fool at the top of my lungs

        "IT'S ME! (Y/N)! SAM!"

        I continue to scream for what seem like hours until I go limp in the chains, and close my eyes. Hoping, praying, pretending that I'm alright, that I'll be rescued. But its becoming harder and harder to believe that.

         Sometimes when I close my eyes I pretend I'm alright, but it's never enough

        Especially when I hear no response. Nothing but my voice coming back, full of the pain that I released it with. Not a single soul to share my pain with, to help me stop going over the edge, going insane.

        Cause my echo, echo, is the only voice coming back,shadow, shadow, is the only friend that I have

        Just a small whisper from anyone. Anyone outside of this place, anyone. But only one person could really have a chance at helping me, bringing me back to sanity. Sam Winchester.

         Listen, listen, I would take a whisper if that's all you had to give, but it isn't, is it? You could come and save me and try to chase the crazy right out of my head

        I let another tear that I didn't know I had, slip down my cheek at the thought of him. The only one who ever truly understood me, being an outcast, the forever thought of as a little kid, and let's not forget, we were once both chosen by the yellow-eyed demon as babies.

         I have telekinesis, able to move things with my mind, but soon I could do so much more. But it was just a curse. One that killed my parents and older sister when yellow-eyes came for me, to make me join him, and killed them in the process. If I haden't been born they'd still be alive.

        I'm out on the edge and I'm screaming my name, like a fool at the top of my lungs

        I admit it, I fell for him. Hard. He and Dean took me in after I helped them on a hunt and I took a liking to the younger brother. A couple months later and a drunk Dean who was blurting out ever little secret he knew that night, Sam and I were forced to admit how we felt about each other. And despite the hard life as a hunter, we made it work and could actually be boyfriend and girlfriend.

        Cause my echo, echo, is the only voice coming back,shadow, shadow, is the only friend that I have

        And then I died.

        It seemed like just another demon job. Find, capture, exorcise, and job over. We've done it hundreds of times before.

        But it went horribly wrong.

        We didn't expect a second demon and most definitely didn't expect it to possess me. 

        I don't wanna be an island, I just wanna feel alive and get to see your face again, I don't wanna be an island, I just wanna feel alive and get to see your face again

        By the time they got the demon out of me it was too late, it stabbed me before they could finish the chant, therefore killing me.

        But 'til then, just my echo, my shadow, you're my only friend and...

        And that's how I ended up rotting in Hell.

        I'm out on the edge and I'm screaming my name, like a fool at the top of my lungs

        I let out another tired scream, until I feel my throat burn from straining it.

        Sometimes when I close my eyes I pretend I'm alright, but it's never enough

        Suddenly, a bright white light blinds my vison as my ears pick up the flapping sound of wings.

        Cause my echo, echo Oh my shadow, shadow

        A whisper. That's the other sound, a human voice that is like music to my ears, "(Y/N)! Don't worry! We'll get you out!"

        Sam's voice. For the first time in so, so long, I smile. A weak one, but a smile all the same.

        And then everything goes black as I feel myself being taken away from the grasps of Hell and back into the world above.

        Hello, hello, anybody out there?


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