Worst Prom Ever (Or is it?) (SamWinchesterxreader)

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A/N: bold is texting and Ethan is your prom date not boyfriend

A little ding goes off in your pocket, signaling a new text. You take it out and read it. Its from Ethan.

 E: Hey (Y/N/N) I'm really sorry, but I can't go to prom with you tonight, something popped up, can't be changed, sorry

You blink, and a sad expression replaces your once happy one, excited for prom. Not anymore.

 Y: It's fine : )

The happy face was a lie and you place your phone back in your pocket. Sighing, you check the clock on the wall. 8:30. It's almost closing time.

Picking up a broom, you begin to sweep the floor of the Wiener Hut, trying not to be disappointed. You had already bought a dress and everything. Someone clears their throat from a table in front of you, making you jump. You thought everyone had left.

Looking up, you meet with a pair of chocolate brown eyes that that is bright green in certian light, "Hey, (Y/N)"

You furrow your brows, standing up straight, "How do you know my name?"

The boy runs his hand through his shoulder length brown hair and smiles, "Its on your name tag" You look down to your shirt, red and white striped with a red tie, and see your name tag clipped to your shirt clearly stating your name.

You blush and give him an embarrassed smile, "Sorry, I guess I'm just a bit off today"

"Its fine, are you okay though? You look kind of...down", he says with concern lacing his voice. You sigh and nod. What the hell, right?

"My prom date canceled"

He smiles kindly, "Prom? Well, its not as bad as my last prom, ever spill punch on the biggest bully in the school and then your date ditches you for your older brother (it really happened, we find this out on the djinn episode of SPN)?"

Your eyes widen, "Wow, uh no and now I feel a little better, is that bad?"

He chuckles, his long hair falling in his face a bit and shakes his head, "No, that's the point, you have a nice smile"

You smile and heat tickles your cheeks, "Thanks, but one question, you look my age, how did you already have prom?"

"I change schools a lot and my last one had prom early"

You nod, "Gotcha"

The boy rubs his neck and looks a bit shy, "So, since its your first prom and you need a date, maybe I could take you"

Your eyes widen a bit and you smirk, "I don't even know your name"

"Oh! How rude of me! Sam Winchester", he says, holding out his hand. You shake it and he smiles hopefully, "Now that we know each others name, what do you say?"

You smile, "I would love that, thank you so much" A goofy grin appears on Sam's face, making you realize just how much he looks like a puppy.

He stands up, surprising you with how tall he is, "Well, I guess I'll meet you here tomorrow, (Y/N)"

With a smile, you bid him good-bye and watch with a dreamy expression as he walks out the door and out of your view. You turn around and punch the air.



Coming out of the now clean kitchen, turning everything off, you smile at Sam as he leans against the counter. He is wearing a sharp tux and looking amazing. He looks up at you and his jaw drops making you blush.

Your hair is pulled into a low side bun with curled pieces of hair framing your face. Not being one for makeup, you just had light eyeliner on and are wearing a dress with a sweet heart neckline and it flows around your ankles. It has (f/c) sequins on top with a (2/f/c) ribbon around the waist and a white skirt. You are wearing white flats. 

"Whoa... I mean, you look... amazing", he says in awe. You giggle and put your fingers under his chin and push it up, closing his mouth.

"You'll catch flies, Winchester"

He blushes and smiles at you, "So are you ready to go?"

"I got to turn off the slushie machine and then, yeah"

He nods and waits patiently as you walk over and flip the switch, but nothing happens. Groaning, as this happens all the time, you flip it on and off again. Going to last resort, you hit it lightly, but then the worst happens.

It goes nuts.

Yellow slushie pours out, making you gasp and in a panic, flipping the switch on and off and on and off. The slushie continues to pour out.

Sam rushes over to help, but you push him away, "No! You look really nice in that suit, don't get it ruined, grab some buckets from the kitchen!"

He nods once and runs to the kitchen as you continue your losing fight against the evil slushie machine. It spits again and splashes of yellow appear on your skirt, making you look like you went through a paint ball fight with yellow paint. Caring less at the moment, you fight harder and after a minute, it turns off, running of ammo.

Sam comes back, with a bucket, and sees the war is finished. Placing down the bucket and looking at you, he begins to laugh. You try to glare at him, but you just join him.

"That... was fun", he says between laughs and you nod.

"Point one for (Y/N), zero for evil slushie machine", you joke making him laugh again. After you both calm down, you glance down at your skirt.

"I am really sorry, Sam, but I doubt I can go to prom like this and this is the worse prom ever"

"Better than spilling punch and your date ditching you", he comments with a comforting smile and you nodding, smiling back. He straightens up and holds out his hand to you, "May I have this dance?"

You furrow your brows, "But we're in the Weiner Hut..."

"We have a dance floor, music", he says motioning to the clear area in the middle of the dining area. You think for a second before smiling.

"In that case...", you take his hand and he leads you out from behind the counter and he wraps his arms around your waist and you place yours on his shoulders.

"Too bad we can't get a picture", you say, looking up at him. He smiles and reaches into his pocket, pulling out his phone.

"Say cheese", he says and the two of you smile at the small screen as the picture is taken.

"Cute enough", you say with a happy smile and he smiles back. The two of you begin to dance to the music playing through the loudspeakers.

"Thank you for doing this for me, Sam"

He smiles at you, "It is all my pleasure, I've been waiting to ask you for a while"


"Really", he admits, rubbing his neck for a moment, "You really think I just come in here for the fast food? I'm more of a salad guy myself. No, I do it so I can get a chance to see you and maybe even work up the nerve to talk to you"

You make a small 'awww' sound in your head and smile at him, "So you-?"

He cuts you off with a nod, "I really like you, hell, I think I might even love you"

You blush hard and take a leap of faith, getting up on your tip toes and kissing him. He is shocked for a moment, but kisses back almost instantly. Your lips move in sync as you dance subconsciously. Breaking away for air, you both smile goofly at each other.

"So, is this prom better than your last?"

"Most defiantly"

And then you dance the rest of the night away during the prom that you thought would be the worst ever when really, it was the best.

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