Words Can Never Hurt Me (EleventhDoctorxwitch!reader)

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Stifling a yawn, you shuffle into Defense Against The Dark Arts class. Collapsing into your seat, your stack of books spread themselves across the desk. You just place your head in your arms when you hear a chuckle.

"Up all night trying to finish McGonnagl's essay?", asks Harry with amusement in his voice. Don't get you wrong, you love your best friend, but right now, anyone who sounds like a morning person is being cast with the Killing Curse in your head.

Too tired to speak, you simply nod and hope to get at least one extra minute of sleep before class starts, but there's no such luck.

"Good morning, I'm your new Defense Against The Dark Arts teacher, Professor Song", announces a female voice from the front of the class. You muster up enough energy to lift your head and get a good look at yet another new DATDA teacher. You get a new one each year!

Your other best friend, Hermione Granger, raises her hand almost right away.

"Yes? Miss..."

Hermione sits a little straighter and puts her hand down, "Hermione Granger. I was wondering if we will be using defensive spells?"

Professor Song laughs softly as if she knows an important little secret that we don't, "Ah, well now, Miss Granger... spoilers!"

Hermione's eyebrows move closer together in confusion, but lets it go, allowing Professor Song to continue, "Now, class, today we will be talking about..."

An hour later the bell rings, earning groans from the entire class, even Malfoy! You have never been so disappointed to go to next class.

"She was fantastic, that woman! Telling stories of daleks and weeping angels!", exclaims Ron Weasly, tagging along with you,Harry, and Hermione.

"Mad, more like! I've never read anything of the such in my books! And cybermen?! Can you believe the nerve?!", exclaims Hermione, always being the one who prefers facts and homework to a class of stories, even if they aren't true.

" 'Mione, I know for a fact you liked her stories, I saw your face. Awestruck! Even if they weren't believable, she sure did have a lot of detail about them. My favorite character was the Doctor, of course. He sounds so heroic!", you defend, adjusting the gold and red striped scarf around your neck.

Ron snorts, "The Doctor?! Sure, he was heroic, but I prefer Amy"

"Only because she's a ginger and a girl!", you tease, laughing along with the rest of your group. You all make it down to the next class, Care of Magical Creatures, usually taught by Hagrid, but he is absent today leaving us with yet another substitute.

Treading through the fall leaves, your group meets the rest of the class outside Hagrid's hut, but the man you find is most defiantly NOT Hagrid. Unless Hagrid shrunk, grew a huge chin, lost his eyebrows, and is suddenly into bow ties and tweed jackets and... fezzes?

"Oh! 'Ello, class! I'm Professor Smith, your new Care of Magical Creatures professor!", he says joyfully, putting you off. This guy needs to lay off the sugar you think, hoping this isn't how he normally is, "Today we will be talking about bookworms! Nasty things! Hide in your favorite novel, waiting and then, with one bite, send you into that very book!"

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