Pudding And Doctor Who (Tom Hiddlestonxreader)

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(Y/N) = Your Name

(Y/F/S) = Your Favorite Song

(Y/B/F/N) = Your Best Friend's Name

(Y/B/F/B/N) = Your Best Friend's Boyfriend's Name

"So all your going to do for Valentine's Day is sit on the couch in your pajamas eating pudding while watching Doctor Who?"


(Y/B/F/N) rolls her eyes at your simple-yet-perfect planes for tonight. What was her deal with you needing a boyfriend? You were perfectly fine being single!

"(Y/N) you need a boyfriend on Valentine's Day! Its, like, the most romantic day of the year!", she exclaims still not letting the subject go.

"(Y/B/F/N), you know I hate all that lovey-dovey stuff! I'm more like a Wibbly-Wobbly person!"

She rolls her eyes again. Do her eyes get tired from that much rolling?

"Yeah, yeah. We all know about your huge obsession with Doctor Who (Y/N). No need for more references"

"At least you caught the reference!"

"That's not a good thing! You add so much nerdiness to my life that I actually catch on to these things!"

You laugh. There is nothing more that she loves than making fun of your 'nerdiness', but you know she loves you for it. Or else she wouldn't have stayed being your roommate in the flat you share. Of course, you do pay the rent most of the time so she really has no other choice, but you two are like sisters.

"Well, as you carry on with your odd little plans I have a date to attend"

You smile remembering how cute of a couple (Y/B/F/N) and (Y/B/F/B/N) make. She looks so short next to him that when they kiss she has to stand on her tiptoes and/or he has to bend down a bit. But no matter how cute they look there is no way you want to be like that. You just don't understand the point in just being with a guy just to not be lonely on Friday nights and Valentine's Day. You want to be with someone who makes you happy, not someone you barely know. Is that too much to ask?

"Be back by curfew or else you're grounded, missy!", you joke.

"Yes, mom"

You laugh as she heads out the door to (Y/B/F/B/N)'s car and waves as they drive away down the street. You smile and then begin your Valentine's plans. You rush over to the fridge and grab the pudding you made earlier today and put in the first episode of the tenth doctor, your favorite one by far. The episode just begins when you hear a knock on the door. You nearly jump out of your skin and get out of your soft blanket. You walk over to the door wearing a Doctor Who t-shirt, faded jeans and rainbow socks and open the door to see the one and only, Tom Hiddleston standing there.

You grin and open the door to let him in. He is wearing a white v-neck t-shirt, jeans, and black converse and carrying a big bag. He looks at you and grins.

"Long time no see, eh (Y/N)?"

"Let's see. A full year of no see? Yes, that's a long time, Tom!"

He laughs his signature 'ehehehe' and holds out his arms ready for the oncoming hug from his best friend since elementary school. Yes, you are friends with Tom Hiddleston, most people make a big deal out of it, but you've known him for so long he doesn't seem like a superstar to you. He's just your Tom. You grin and run into his arms as he embraces you in a hug. You breath in and smile at how he smells like tea and cookies.

"So (Y/N) still happily remaining single on Valentines' Day despite (Y/B/F/N)'s protests?"

You smile and nod.

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