Angels and Unicorns (Castielxreader)

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You search through the shelves trying to find some junk food to cure your sudden craving. Scanning the contents, you pick up candy, chips, oreos, and other stuff. The little street side gas station store is mostly empty except for you and the cashier until two men walk in.

"Bro, I can just snap my fingers and we could skip this trip"

"Dean directly requested I go here, I prefer to follow his order by the exact words"

The first guy who has brown hair wearing casual clothes mumbles something under his breath that sounds like, "Suck up"

The second guy is the one who catches your attention. First off he look like a tax accountant or something with his trench coat and suit. But even from your distance you can see the gleam of his piercing blue eyes. You have to admit, he looks like he is an angel from heaven.

You don't realize how long and how obvious your staring was until you hear the first guy speak up to the second guy, "You have a secret admirer"

Your reaction is just late enough to see the second guy look confused, "Secret admirer?"

The first guy grabs the other's face and turns it to make him look at you, making you blush and look down. You try not to look suspicious, but fail. Soon the two men are walking toward you and you pretend to be deciding between gummy bears or gummy worms.

"My brother has informed me that you are my secret admirer, but I am afraid you are unsuccessful at being secret", says a deep voice from behind you, making you jump. Turning around you come face to face with the cute guy you were staring at. Feeling your cheeks heat up, you try to be cool.

"I uh... sorry...", you mumble, not having much else to say. He tilts his head slightly like a confused puppy only making you blush harder.

"You have no reason to be sorry. Also, you appear to be sick. Your cheeks are turning a bright shade of red"

That only makes you blush harder and your hands fly up to your cheeks to hide them, "I'm fine, not sick, just peachy"

"I do not understand, how are you like a peach?"

"Just an expression", you explain wondering if his constant confusion is cute or worrisome. Probably both.

"I understand. My name is Castiel. I am an an-"

Suddenly a hand appears out of nowhere, covering his mouth and cutting off his sentence. It is Castiel's brother though, in your opinion, they look nothing alike.

"Accountant. He's an accountant", he finishes, obviously covering something up, but you don't push on the subject.

"Okay then... explains the outfit"

The guy gives you a flashy smile and holds out his hand, "Name's Gabriel, sweetheart, but you can call me Gabe. This here is my brother Castiel, of course. Who might you be?"

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