Iced Americano (stevexfan!reader)

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        Its him. Its really him. This is awesome!

        You have a million tiny heart attacks as THE Steve Rogers makes his way into Starbucks and gets in the line. The line that you are serving. You are going to be serving Steve Rogers. You feel like your going to end up dying. Thanks to Tony Stark, It was revealed who the famous superheros who saved New York really were and they became known as The Avengers and your favorite was the great Captain America. 

         You take a deep breath and keep taking orders and when he gets to the front of the line, you try to keep your cool.

        "Can I have an Iced Americano?", he asks his deep voice smooth not rough and sweet like honey. You smiled at him and nodded.

        Witty comment loading...

        "One Iced Americano for the iced americano", you say smoothly and hope for a good reaction and you smile when he chuckles.

        Wow, his laugh is amazing...

        He looks at you with a smile, "Very funny"

        You smile back, " Thank you, Captain, I do try"

        "Please, call me Steve"

        You smile, "Alright, Steve, I'm (Y/N)"

        "Pretty name for a pretty woman", he says with a hint of hesitation as if he is not sure if he should say that.

        Is Steve Rodgers flirting with me?...

        You blush slightly with a smile, "Thank you"

        He smiles with a hint of relief, "You're welcome"

        You smile and hand him his Iced Americano as he gives you the money to pay for it. You put it in the cash register and look back up to see Steve still standing there.

        "Excuse me, sir, it is my turn", says a woman from behind him in the line. He snaps out of the trance he was in and turns to her.

        "Sorry, ma'am. I'll go now", he turns to you to give you a smile and a wave good-bye before heading outside and out of sight. You sigh happily at the encounter before continuing to serve people until your shift is over. You hang up your apron and head outside, but are sidetracked by someone calling your name.


        You turn around to see Steve sitting at a table outside the cafe with his coffee smiling at you and waving you over. You smile and come over to him surprised he is still here.

        "Hey, Steve. I thought you left"

        "No, I actually uh was waiting for you"


        He blushes a tiny bit and rubs his neck nervously, " I was uh wondering if you would like to um go out to dinner with me?"

        You smile as the little fangirl inside you goes crazy, "Are you asking me out on a date?"

        He chuckles nervously and nods, "Uh yeah I am. I'm sorry, I'm not good with these things, I haven't asked someone on a date for 70 years and I don't know how to do it in the 21st century"

        You smile at his sudden shyness, "Well, you're doing it right and yes, I would love to go out to dinner with you"

        A huge, happy grin appears on his face, "Really?"

        You laugh softly and nod, "Yes, really"

        He grins, "Would around 7:00 tonight be alright?"

        "Yes, that sounds great. Where do you want to meet up?"

        "No, no I'll pick you up like a gentleman should. What is your address?"

        You smile and write it down on a clean napkin on the table and a pen you always carry and also write down your cellphone number.

        "I got to go, Steve, but I'll see you tonight", you smile.

        He nods with the unchanging grin, "Alright. See you tonight, (Y/N)"

        You smile and walk away to your car unaware at him still staring at you and drive home thinking about him the whole way.

        I have a date with Steve Rogers... Best. Day. Ever!

        (A/N): Yeah, this one was probably one of my worst imagines yet, I feel so ashamed as a fangirl...

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