Mad Man(TenthDoctorxreader)

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It was a regular boring day for you, but that was before you met the strange man.

"Oi! Cubicle girl!", a voice suddenly speaks up, startling you. You look around for the owner of the voice, "Up here!" You look up and see a man grinning at you from over the divider of your cubicle. He has brown sticky-uppy hair with brown eyes. He is rather handsome, but for all you know, he could be a serial killer or just a drunk who made it past security. A bit put off by his mad man personality, you greet him hesitantly, "Me?..." He nods.

"Who else would I be talking to?", he comments. You are about to answer before he interrupts you, "No matter. I'll only be a moment" The man pulls out a metal stick with a blue light and sweeps it around you as it makes a whirring sound. Then he points it at you and you smack it away, getting annoyed.

"Look, I am usually very patient, sir, but this is madness. Please stop scanning me!" You protest, smacking the device away again just as it makes a 'ding' sound. He grins wider, if that is possible, "Gotcha!" He puts the device in his brown pinstripe jacket and looks back at you, "I suggest you back away from your computer" You are just about done with this mad man when your computer goes black, making you freak out, "My report!" You try to get it back, but instead of your paper, you get a violent shock. The man hops over the divide , and pushes you out of the way, "Oi! I don't know who you think you are-!"

"The Doctor!", he exclaims as he scans the computer with his blue light. "Doctor?! Doctor who?!" He grins at you for a moment, "Just the Doctor!" Just then the computer makes a loud screeching sound, making you cover your ears and jump back as a dis formed, static face appears in the screen, "No! I don't want to go! Can't make me!" the thing yowls as the Doctor speaks, "Invading earth technology is illegal under the Shadow Proclamation, especially for Viruses!" The Doctor scans the computer again and the face disappears with a mighty scream into a static mist and gets sucked into the blue lighted stick, leaving your computer smoking and useless. The Doctor straightens up and holds the light up to his face, "There we go. Nasty things; Viruses! Love Earth technology, so complicated, but you get one Virus and soon you have millions on your hands in all technology on Earth. You humans rely on it, using technology for practically everything! The perfect invasion that would have happened if I didn't catch it's signal What is your name, anyway?" "(Y/N)...(Y/N) (Y/L/N)..." You stand there, awestruck, having no idea why you are giving your name to a man that is defiantly mad. Almost like you trust him. The Doctor waves to you, "Anyway, have a nice day! Sorry about your computer" And then he bolts out the door.

It takes you a few minutes to gather yourself, before you snap back to reality, "Oi! Come back here!" You grab your bag and bolt for the door when you here your best friend yell from the cubicle by the door, "Where are you going?!"

"To find a mad man!", you reply and rush down the stairs to the ground floor and run out of the building doors, just catching a glimpse of the bottom of a brown pinstripe suit, "Doctor!" You yell, following him as he heads for a blue Police Box. He runs inside and closes the door before you grab the handle and open it again. You step inside only to be frozen by the sheer shock of what is around you.

"Its... bigger on the inside...", you mutter as the doctor turns around to face you, "Yep! Time lord technology! Gotta love it!"

"Time lord?.." He nods.

You look around again before locking eyes with him,"Alien?" He nods again.

"But you look human..." He shakes his head, "No, you look Time lord. We came first"

"How many of you are there?" The question makes the smile melt off his face, "I'm sorry-" You begin. "No, it's fine. Um I am the last one"

"Oh..." He nods, but his grin appears again, "So, my space ship, TARDIS, Time And Relative Dimension In Space, all of time and space with a mad man, what do you say?"

"You mean... travel with you?"


"But I have a job... my mum..."

"Time machine. You can leave and still be back in time for tea. No time will pass"

You think for a moment before grinning madly yourself.

No more boring life you think.


He smiles and does a twirl in place, "Okay!" He hits buttons and levers on the console in the middle of the room before his hand hovers above one final one, "Where to, (Y/N)?"

"Someplace fantastic", you say and he chuckles, "A girl after my own hearts" And with that, he pulls the lever and the TARDIS lurches forward, going anywhere, anytime.

"Allons-y!", the Doctor exclaims making you laugh and you know that this will be one choice you'll never regret.

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