Blue Box (Tenth Doctor x child!reader)

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A/N: I have had this imagine for a while and forgot to publish it until now.  Two imagines in one day! You lucky ducks!

  You whimpered as you walked through the graveyard, eyes playing tricks on you. You thought that you saw the stone statues moving and started running, your little legs working as fast as they could to get away.

It was Halloween night and your mother had taken you out trick-or-treating. You had wandered off after you saw a puppy, chasing it into the graveyard. Now though, you were seriously regretting it.

You were lost in this graveyard, and you didn't know how to get out. You felt something tugging on your fairy wing costume, slipping out of the wings and turning around to see a stone angel, its fist clenched around your wings.

You froze, eyes wide. How had the statue moved? It was stone and it wasn't real.

"Just relax." You heard a voice say from behind you. You were just about to turn around when the voice stopped you from doing so. "Don't turn around, don't even blink." You kept your eyes trained on the statue, willing yourself not to blink.

"W-who are you?" You asked shakily.

"I'm the Doctor. I'm here to help." The man said, arm inching around your middle and slowly tugging you away from the angel.

"Is that...thing a monster?" You asked, eyes still locked on the stone figure. The Doctor remained quiet for a moment, thinking of a response.

"Well, sort of." He answered slowly.

"Mister, can I blink yet?" You questioned hopefully, eyes starting to water. You were now a good ten feet away from the angel, and if you remembered correctly, you were nearing the edge of the cemetery.

"Just hold on a little bit longer, okay?"

You didn't respond, just nodded, winking one eye and then the other. It helped a bit with the blinking problem, but your eyes still stung.

"Can you jump for me?" You thought the request was a bit odd, but you did as he asked, bending your knees and jumping.

"Great job, now just keep walking, okay?" You continued with your walking until something blue flashed across your vision, and you realized that the blue thing was a door. You turned around, only to see that you were in a very large room. You peered around, looking for the man who had helped you. He was in the center of the room, fiddling with some levers and controls.

He was certainly odd looking, with spiky brown hair and a long tan coat with red shoes. The Doctor glanced over at you, grinning at you just before a whirring noise filled the room and the room jolted. You yelped, and fell to the floor, covering your head with your hands.

"Is this an earthquake?" You called out, body trembling as the room continued to shake.

The Doctor winced as you fell, rushing over to you.

"It's not an earthquake, promise." He said, tilting your head up to look at him. "Now come on!" He said cheerfully, pulling you up and tugging you out the blue door.

You were back on the street you had left from, other kids still trick-or-treating around you. You spotted your mother's (h/c) hair, rushing over and clutching onto her legs.

"Mommy!" You squealed, and she looked down, pulling you into her arms and hugging you to her body.

"Oh (y/n), I was so worried about you!" She announced, tear streaks visible on her face.

"I was so scared mommy! But the nice Doctor saved me!" You smiled toothily at your mother, turning around and scanning for the Doctor.

He winked at you as he slipped into a blue police box, and your mother continued looking at you anxiously.

"Are you okay?" She asked, peering at your eyes as she looked over your body for any marks.

"Yes, mommy." You answered, turning to look at the police box again. The whirring noise from earlier pierced the air, and the blue box slowly disappeared from your view, just faded from your vision.

You blinked once, then twice, rubbing your eyes with chubby little fists. How had that happened? Things don't just disappear.

You zoned out as your mother carried you back home, young mind working furiously to figure out what was going on. With a tired sigh, you allowed yourself to drift off, mind still thinking of the mysterious Doctor and his magical blue box. 

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