Almost As Clever As Me (TenthDoctorxnerdy!reader)

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A/N: not gender specific

For -Mr-Brightside-

WARNING: Most of the strange words in this are made up because I am lazy 

Your POV:

"(Y/N), can you hand me the sonic roqux?"

"The what?"

"The thing that looks like my sonic screwdriver, but it has a red light."

I sigh. "Why didn't you just say that in the first place?", I say as I hand him the sonic... whatever from beside me. He mumbles a 'thank you' and slides back under the console to continue fixing up the TARDIS. 

What's wrong with her? Long story that can pretty much be summed up as an alien attack, a miss-fired laser gun, and lots of smoke. Now I'm sitting in the captain's chair helping the Doctor as he puts on his clever glasses and works on fixing her up. I fix my own glasses that had slipped down my nose and wait for further instructions. His long legs clothed by brown pinstripe pants are slightly covered with grease, dust, and a little alien dirt from our previous adventure. He chose today to wear his favorite bright red Converse rather than his older sandshoes, er, sneakers. God, he over reacts when someone call them sandshoes. I will never understand it.

"Can you take this wire?" I snap out of my thoughts to see him holding out a glowing green wire to me. I take it and he gives me a quick smile from his place on the floor before he shows me a blue wire. "I need to connect these, but its a two person job. Well, technically the whole TARDIS is a two person job. Well, seven people. Well, mainly just the console. But that doesn't matter right now. Come down here, please." I obey and get on my back next to him and together we slide under the rather short console. I look up and see all sorts of lights, wires, and the whole thing is like a complicated light show. 

"It's beautiful...", you whisper earning a chuckle from the man beside you. "I suppose it is. Kind of reminds me of Wuil a bit. Oh, now that was a planet I wouldn't mind going back to. A light festival every night; best in the universe. I should know." He rambles with a far away look in his eyes that he gets whenever he is talking about a place he visited before. I smile.


"Hmm?" He hums, still not out of his thoughts.

"You're rambling again." He snaps out of his memory. "Sorry," he says with a little smirk. "I tend to do that." I laugh.

"Yeah, I've noticed." He chuckles and we connect our wires, but instead of everything being fixed, the TARDIS starts up her alarm as smoke pours from the console. We both start coughing like crazy as he freaks, obviously not knowing what to do. His eyes dart over the lights and wires, trying to decide what to do. Then I realize just how similar the TARDIS wiring is like a car. I know, one is alien and travels through time and the other is, well, a car. But trust me when I say I saw some things that resembled each other.

Thanks to my old man and him teaching me about cars as a little kid, I knew just what to do. I fixed my glasses and got to work. Before the Doctor could stop me, I was connecting and un-connecting parts, concentration etched on my face. After a minute, the smoke stops and so do the alarms as the Doctor looks at me with awe. I glance at the piece of wire in my hand and shrug. There's always a piece left over.

"You . . . fixed her," he mumbles. "You're human." I roll my eyes.

"You're welcome." He snaps out of it and apologizes. "Sorry. That was clever. Almost as clever as me, and that's saying something." 

I laugh softly and then relax against the cool, grating of the TARDIS floor, staring up at the mechanical multi-colored 'night sky'. The Doctor does the same and we remain in comfortable silence until he speaks up in a whisper.

"Thank you, (Y/N)."

I smile. "No problem. Thank my dad really for teaching me about mechanics."

"No, I mean, for everything. Being my companion, being my friend, just . . . being there." I glance over at him and notice his eyes are truly filled with gratitude and . . . something else entirely. I gulp softly.

"You're welcome." I whisper back. Then, slowly, he leans in as his eyes become lazy slits. 

Know what's coming?

Do you really?

It could be something completely different.

He could be falling asleep.

So you think you know what's gonna happen?


Let's see if you're right . . .

In three . . .

Two . . .

One . . .

One and a half . . .

Okay, I'm sorry, here we go : )

He kisses me. My eyes widen in shock, but soon close as I kiss back just as gently. Fireworks explode in my stomach, just like the cliche says, and we share a moment of complete bliss before breaking apart for the common enemy of air.

Damn that air.

He gives me that goofy smile and I return it. "I love you, (Y/N). I know I'm a silly old man and almost got us killed more than once, but . . . I love you."

"I love you, too."

And this we kiss once more thanks to one dysfunctional TARDIS who at that moment was priding herself in getting the two idiots together. 

A/N: Sorry that requests are coming so slow. I am making them, but take the time to make them perfect. I want you guys to like the imagines and for them not to rushed and boring

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