Things We Do For Our Unicorns (DeanxHunter!ReaderxSister!Meg)

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A/N: Best if read with Sad Song by We The Kings ft. Elena Coats

"... and honestly, I kind of get it."

My eyes snap up to meet Meg's, but I have no time to say anything before she continues. "We've got company." Sammy, Meg, and I turn around to see Crowley's demon minions surrounding us and it's not moments later when they attack. I growl and pull out my very own demon knife, much like the Winchesters'.

"(Y/N)! Behind you!", exclaims Sam and I swing around and stab a demon in the stomach just as he was about to kill me. A bright orange light erupts inside him, burning out his eyes and making him form a silent scream. I retract my knife and continue to kill off Crowley's demons until the King of Hell himself appears.

"I've got a bone to pick with you Moose. After what you did to my poor dog." Meg scoffs and gives him her signature sassy attitude with a smirk. "You going to talk us to death or get down to it already?" 

Crowley looks over at her and smiles evilly making me want to punch him in the face... well, more so than usual. "There's my whore. I'm not here for my dearly departed dog. I'm here for the stone with the funny scribbles on it." Now it was Sam's turn to scoff. "That's not gonna happen"

"Love it when you get all tough. Touches me right wear my bathing suit goes." Okay, other than by that disgusting image, I was unfazed by his act and needed to get Sam and Meg out of here to help the others.

"Sam, Meg, go help Cas and Dean.", I say, readying my demon knife. Crowley looks to the side for a moment and nods. "Castiel. So that's who'd been poking my boys, and not in the sexy way." Sam is hesitate about leaving me (We're not exactly buddy-buddy anyway), but it's Meg who damn right refuses.

"And leave you, little sister? I may be a heartless demon bitch sometimes, but even I wouldn't leave you to die." She stands next to me and turns around to Sam. "Go. Save your brother. And my unicorn." If I wasn't facing a certain death, I might have teared up a little or threw up a little, same difference. Sam gives one quick nod and runs ahead to find the two idjits. That leaves just Meg and I facing Crowley who's only the King of Hell. Big deal.

He smiles and rolls his eyes. "Timon and Pumba tell you their big plan? Did they share that little chestnut with you? They mean to close the gates of hell sweetheart. They mean to kill me and all the demons, you included." 

Meg speaks up before I can. "You had me at kill you Crowley." And with that he raises his knife to beat her up, not to kill her just yet when I step between them letting out a, "Not my sister, you son of a Bitch!" I then stab him with my demon knife, but it barely hurts him, only emitting a small orange glow. He looks down at his chest where I stabbed him and looks back up at me. "Ouch.", he says dully and then he pulls it out and stabs me instead. Now I'm a human, not a demon. Meg looks over the body of my sister. At first I hated her for it,tried to kill her once, but today I actually accepted her. I even realized she even took on my sister's snarky and sassy personality. I finally let myself call her my sister.

It's funny how time slows down when you're dying. I watched the knife pierce my stomach, a fatal wound, and my life flashes before my eyes just like the cliche belief. I watched myself as a baby being held by my parents. I watched them being murdered when I was only twelve. I watched myself being found by my Uncle Bobby, not my real uncle, but close enough. I watched myself meet the Winchesters and how Sam didn't exactly trust me. Ditto, Gigantor. But Dean... we saw something in each other. I know, que cheesy music and you've got a romance movie. Whatever. I just fell for him. Of course, I'd never tell him that. Then I watch as my life catches up to the present and I feel the warm blood trickle from my wound and my ears catch the distant yell of Meg. And then I catch two other voices. Male.

Then I collapse.

Dean's POV:

I thought we won. Cas took the tablet away, protecting it and Sam and I were getting away. Then I saw the chaos outside. Meg fuming, no, past that. There's not even a word to describe her rage. Crowley just stood there, smug over a crumbled body on the rocky ground. When I saw the form's face in the dim light, my heart stopped.


I left Sam, despite his exclaims, and ran toward them. I took out my demon knife, but Crowley just smiled and snapped his fingers, disappearing. Meg falls on her knees, clutching (Y/N) in her arms, rocking back and forth. Normally, I would be shocked that a demon could be so broken over someone, but I felt the same. I keeled beside them and felt for (Y/N)'s pulse. It was faint, but still there. So very faint.

"Dean?", a voice rasps in a whisper. I look into (Y/N)'s open eyes and I feel my heart quicken. From excitement that she isn't gone yet and the stupid crush I've had on her for God knows how long.

"Yeah, I'm here, Dorko Malfoy." She laughs softly, but it only results in her coughing up a little blood. "I make a couple of Harry Potter references and suddenly-" Another cough. "-you think I need an oh-so-clever-nickname, idjit." I smile softly at the insult she inherited from Bobby.

"Yes, I am. I complete and total idjit." She raises a shaky hand and brings it to my cheek, wiping away the tears I didn't even know I was shedding. "I thought you didn't do chick flick moments yet here we are in a cheesy romance movie" I laugh painfully at the fact she's totally right. And I couldn't care less.

"In that case, I'd better do this..." Before she can ask what I'm talking about I bring my lips to her's. I taste the slight copper tint, but I forget all about it when she kisses me back weakly. Even so, it was the best kiss I've ever had. and I've had plenty. I felt all the damn butterflies and fireworks like I've never felt before. After a minute, we part for air, gasping slightly. Then I whisper the three words I wanted to say to her forever.

"I love you..."

She looks into my eyes with such life and love, I almost thought she was completely fine. "I love you too, idjitt..."

And then her eyes close and I lose it. Ripping her from Meg's arms, I hold her far too tight and sob to her though I knew she couldn't hear me. "No! (Y/N!) Please! (Y/N)!!!!" I sense Sam staring from a distance. I don't care. I care about nothing, but her at this moment. And now she's gone.

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