I Can do Zat (ChekovxBritish!reader)

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(This happens after the events of STID and after Pavel is promoted to chief engineer)

Crap! Crapcrapcrapcrap!

You rush to put on your yellow Enterprise uniform and look halfway decent for your new job as an engineer on the greatest starship ever known. And you are late on your first day.

Pulling your (h/c) hair into a quick, high ponytail and slipping on your black boots over your pants. You don't do skirts, pants are much easier to work in and thankfully, the one who made your uniform was a woman, so she understood.

Running out of your cabin, you make a rush to the engine room and just your luck, you run down a poor chief of something, judging by the flash of red before you both fall to the floor.

Great, just bloody great!

You ajust your eyes and see your laying on top of none other than the chief engineer Pavel Chekov and your cheeks become dark red as is uniform. You rush to apologize and stand up.

"Bloody hell, I am so sorry! I was late, won't happen again, I was trying to get to the engine room and I am so bloody sorry!"

Yes, your British, another accent to add to the Enterprise crew of Scottish, Russian, American, and more. You were bored in the friendly, but rather uneventful city of London. Getting addicted to a show called Doctor Who, about an alien who travels the universe, you fell in love with the stars and found a burning desire to use your seventeen year old prodigy mind for the great Enterprise. And your dream came true.

You continue your embarrassed rant, "Please don't fire me!"

Chekov blinks with a blush much like yours before he speaks, "Its alright! Its vaz all my fault in ze first place! I haff alvays been very clumsy, besides, even if I did vant to fire you, vich I don't, only Capteen Kirk can do zat"

A Russian. This ship really does have a wide variety of crew members.

You sigh , "I should have known that, I'm a bloody idiot, I've already made a bloody fool of myself and its only my first day!" You place your face in your hands.

Chekov laughs adorably and loosely grabs your wrist, lowering your hands from your face and looks in your (E/C) eyes with his grayish-blue ones, "You are not a 'bloody idiot' and since it is your first day, I'm guessing you need me to show you around the engineering room, Mrs..."

"(Y/F/N). (Y/F/N) (Y/L/N)" You smile gratefully and nod "And yes, thank you"

He smile, "You are velcome, (Y/N)"

He's adorable... WAIT, WHAT? NO! NONONONO! He is chief engineer and you are just a low ranking engineer, nothing too important. Get your bloody mind away from those thoughts!

You brush the non-existent dirt off your pants and look back to see Chekvo holding out his arm like a gentleman and grinning at you with a pink color tinting his cheeks, "Vould you like me to escort you?"

You laugh softly and slip your arm through his, "Such a gentleman"

He beams, proud of himself making you laugh again as you both make your way to the engine room.

That was the day you met your best friend and crush.

(Time skip of one year)

"Engineer (Y/L/N), you are needed on deck", says Kirk over the messenger. (No idea what it is really called)

You groan, stopping the episode of Doctor Who you were watching and press a button to respond.

"On my way, Captain"

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