Better Than Fireworks (10thDoctorxreader)

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New Year's Eve, the year 2014, planet Earth.

"Auntie (Y/N)!"

You felt someone tug on your clothes and looked down. Your nine-year-old niece and nephew stood beside you, holding up a telescope.

"You said we could go look at the stars before it's time!" Your nephew said insistently.

You laughed, taking the telescope from them. "Go get your coats, then!"

They ran off and you grabbed your own, throwing on a scarf as well. The three of you left the flat where your family was having a small party and walked up the hill across the street. You helped them set up the telescope and they excitedly looked through it up at the stars. You stared up as well, smiling and thinking about all of those stars you'd probably been to.

You had been traveling with the Doctor for a little over five months, after he saved you from being wrongly taken into custody by the "Intergalactic Police" as he called the strange rhino-looking aliens. It had been the work of a shapeshifting alien who, on random chance, took the form of your body and committed a bunch of crimes. You worked with the Doctor to clear your name and stop the criminal. He was alone at the time, said he was with a very good friend named Martha who decided to come back to Earth. You didn't even have to beg him to take you with. He thought you were clever, fun, and worth traveling with. You told your family that you were studying abroad - "Well, it's not technically a lie! Good call!" The Doctor had said when you told him, with this huge smile on his face - and you jumped into the TARDIS. It didn't feel like a few months to you. You had seen so many planets and galaxies and races that it felt like you'd known him for years now. But you asked if you could come home to see your family for Christmas. Thinking back on that, you felt a little guilty. He looked so distraught, like you just told him that you wanted to leave for good. You reassured him repeatedly that you just wanted to stay for Christmas, and that as soon as he came back for you, you would come running for him. The Doctor was satisfied with that and dropped you off, promising to come back.

You hadn't seen or heard from him since then, but you knew he was going to keep his word. You returned your attention to the little ones who were trying to get your attention. You sat down with them as they pointed out stars and gave them pretend names, arguing when they couldn't agree on a good name. You'd gently intervene and tell them to combine the two they wanted and they could make something cool out of it. That always seemed to make them happy.

"Auntie, look! It's a shooting star!" 

You looked up at the sky and saw a streak of light across the sky. You smiled, having a feeling that it wasn't just a shooting star. You checked the time on your phone and did a dramatic gasp.

"Hey, if we don't get back to the house, you're gonna miss it!" You exclaimed.

The kids grabbed the telescope lightning quick, not bothering to take it apart, they just carried it together as they ran. You laughed and jogged behind them, making sure they got into the house safe. You turned around and watched the TARDIS appear. The Doctor opened the door, poking his head out.

"That was nice of you." You said, grinning at him.

"Oh, they looked like they were having fun, I figured why not?" He replied.

You ran to the door. "Gonna come inside for the countdown?"

"Nah, got something to show you!"

He pulled you inside, running to the console. You ran behind him, leaning against the rail.

"We're gonna miss the fireworks!" He gave you a wild, mad mischievous grin.

"Ohoho (Y/N). Just you wait."

He winked at you, pulling the lever and the TARDIS jerked into motion. You laughed, holding on tightly to the rail so you didn't fall over. It rocked back and forth a few more times before settling. The Doctor was almost overloaded with excitement, it seemed, when he grabbed your hand and ran to the door. He pulled both of them open as wide as they could go. You didn't land on a planet. You were hovering in space in front of a nebula, colored in amazing hues of blue and green and glowing softly. It was beautiful. You looked up at the Doctor.

"Where are we?" You asked.

"Almost on the opposite end of the universe. Stumbled across this on accident, really." He pointed to a spot in the nebula. "It's a star. Well, a big bunch of gasses right now. Hasn't been born yet. Still gestating." He stared out into space, smiling.

"When is it supposed to be born?"

"About ahh...eight minutes?"

You pulled your phone out, looking at the time. Eight minutes to midnight. You blinked a few times and looked up at him in shock. His smile had grown wider.

"I'm gonna watch a star be born at midnight?!"


You threw your arms around his shoulders. "Doctor, you're brilliant!"

He hugged you, spinning you around twice before setting you down. You sat in the doorway of the TARDIS, hanging your legs outside of it. He had explained to you all about the way that it protected you. You didn't feel afraid. He filled you in on where he had gone while you were at home, telling you all about a planet of jelly creatures where the planet itself was actually the Queen and it quite fancied him. You were laughing when he finished his story, wiping some tears from your eyes.

"Doctor, you're the only person in the world who could get the romantic attention of an entire PLANET." You giggled.

"I only hope I didn't pull you away from some poor suitor who's missing you now." He teased.

"Me? I've been with you for months, when would I find time to woo some poor gentleman?"

"Stranger things have happened!"

You giggled again. You forced yourself into composure, giving him a jokingly serious look.

"If you must know, Doctor, I've never even been kissed on New Years Eve."

"What? That's almost criminal!"

You rolled your eyes, looking over at the nebula. The spot the Doctor had pointed out as the place of the new star looked different somehow. Something was actually forming before your eyes.

"Must almost be time then!" The Doctor said.

You leaned forward in anticipation. Next to you, you heard him whispering numbers.


There was a bright flash of light. You blinked, and when you opened your eyes again, you saw the star appear in the spot, shining brilliantly in the trail of the nebula. You felt pricks of tears in the corners of your eyes.

"Doctor, this is..."

You trailed off when he cupped your face, turning your head and kissing you. Your heart leapt into your throat. His lips moved perfectly against yours. Too soon, he pulled away, smiling.

"...much better than fireworks." You finished your sentence in a whisper, breathless.

He pulled you against him, tucking your head under his chin. You sat watching the nebula for what felt like hours.

"Happy New Year, (Y/N)!" The Doctor said, looking down at you.

"Happy New Year, Doctor! Here's to many more like it."

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