Read My Mind (CharlesxShy!reader)

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You were starting to regret the decision to tell Raven about your slight crush on Charles. Now she wouldn't leave you alone about it. She kept teasing about you both becoming sister in laws. And every time Charles would pass by, she would give you a look that silently threatened you that she would tell him. 

Currently, the teasing was continuing as you were walking back to the Mansion from training outside today. "Raven, will you please stop!" "Okay! Okay! I'll stop teasing you. I know you don't like it." You relaxed with a sigh of relief. Then Raven continued, "But just to be sure, I'm totally going to be the maid of honor at your wedding right?"

"Raven!", you scolded her. She just laughed it off. After a moment you mumbled, "Besides, there can't be a wedding if he doesn't even know I like him. I mean, how could I ever tell him? He probably doesn't like me back anyway. He's so handsome, why would he ever like me? And if I told him and he rejected me... That would be so embarrassing!" You didn't realize your ranting, until Raven snorted. You looked up from the ground and over at your friend. She grinned and said, "Well, you'll never know unless you try!" You rolled your eyes. "Yes, and when will I ever get the chance to do that?", you stated unenthusiastically. You didn't believe you ever would, but Raven had other ideas.

"Right now!" With those words, she spun you around and pushed you back the way you had come. You stumbled forward, completely confused. Then you saw Charles walking your way. Obviously on his way back as well. You tried to back up and hide your face before he could see you, but Raven shouted to him, "Hey, Charles! (Y/N) has something to tell you!" You blushed as he noticed you two. He gave you both that kind smile you loved so much. Raven shoved you one more time as he came closer, and whispered, "Good luck!"

You wanted to yell at Raven to come back, but she was already rushing away. She was right to. You were so going to get her back for this! "You wanted to tell me something, (Y/N)?" Charles was in front of you and you snapped out of your thoughts, immediately putting up the wall that you always had around him.

"Yes. Well, no. Not really. I mean, I guess... I might as well..." You trailed off and looked at Charles nervously. He arched his eyebrows and waited patiently for you to continue. You tried to gather your courage, but it just didn't seem to stay long enough for you to spit it out, "Well, I've been meaning to tell you... What I wanted to say was... Um..." It wasn't working. You just couldn't do it. Thankfully, your quick thinking came up with an easy enough solution. You took a deep breath and blurted, "Read my mind."

Charles seemed startled at first. He arched his eyebrows, "Are you sure?" You nodded tersely. No, you weren't sure, but like Raven said, you'll never know unless you try. With a slightly wary look, Charles lifted two fingers to his temple, preparing to enter your mind. You shut your eyes tightly, dropping the wall and letting yourself think about him, and how you felt about him.

Of course Charles didn't purposely read people's thoughts, sometimes it just happened. But for you, he never had. He promised himself that he would never read your mind without permission. He could never intrude like that. Not with you. 

As soon as he entered your mind, thousands of memories and thoughts flowed over him. It was overwhelming at first, but he was finally able to sort it out. When he did, he was shocked. Pictures and clips would flash by. His smile, his laugh, him looking at her, him training training the others. Even a few when he was just thinking to himself and didn't know you had noticed him. Your thoughts were just as many and all about him. How handsome he was, how beautiful and breathtaking his smiles were, how you loved his blue eyes, how you admired how patient in training he was, how kind he was to the other mutants. The list went on and on. Charles took it all in, but after a few moments he had to break the connection. You thought about him so much. 

His eyes snapped open and he stared at you. Your eyes were still closed tightly, waiting from him to reply to what he saw.

A smile, that he was now sure you would love, lit up his face.

Your eyes were still closed tightly. Your face scrunched up. You were awaiting the inevitable reply, no matter what that reply happened to be. You tried to stop the thoughts from creeping in, but they did anyway. You could practically see Charles telling you that he didn't feel that way about you. That he just wanted to be friends. Colleagues. Tears began to burn the back of your eyelids at the thought. You wanted to run away now. Just pretend like it had never happened.

Then you felt someone take your hand. You quickly opened your eyes and saw that it was Charles. You looked up at his face and the first thing you noticed was his beautiful smile. You couldn't even speak as he placed his other hand on your cheek. He leaned down and your lips connected. Your heart swelled with happiness. It was better then you could have ever imagined. Nothing but pure bliss. His lips were soft as they pressed against your own. It made your heart flutter and your stomach twist. Finally you had to break apart. Afterwards, you could do nothing, but stare into each other's eyes and smile. You would have to remember to thank Raven later.

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