Chapter 4: The Challenge.

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The dark tiled floor is covered with blood

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The dark tiled floor is covered with blood. The sink overflows with water which has lost its original color to the intolerable bloody red. Unbuttoning the white shirt covered with blood he keeps looking back at his reflection. That's when his phone vibrates again.

"Open your mouth only if you have a good reason for calling me at this time Ojas." He says while turning the speaker on and placing the phone at the very end of the bathroom counter. Ojas takes in a heavy breath and says,

"The plan has been executed boss. But I am not sure if it will be good for you to watch it."

"And you think you are in the position to decide that?" He asks as curtly as possible.

"Never boss. Sending it right away." Ojas immediately adds.

"Good for you." He says and turns on the shower.

He comes out rubbing his head with a towel, wearing only a gray sweat pant. Placing the laptop on the glass made table he plopped into his sofa.

Turning on his laptop he clicks on this video link he received in his mail.

The video starts with opening a car door, then slowly moving towards a field which seems pretty crowded. But the crowd can't obstruct it as Ojas keeps on making a way for the person carrying the camera. Then the person waits somewhere a little far from the small stage that is filled with youngsters. Ojas seems to have given the masterstroke as a tall girl in about her mid twenties starts emerging towards the cameraman followed by another guy with wavy hair and black eyes. The girl is wearing a yellow t-shirt with a sky blue jeans, her hair is straight and open. It's not too long but long enough to reach her elbow. She has a fair complexion and a remarkably confident pair of light brown eyes.

"Yes?" The girl begins the conversation.

"Listen girl, we are not here to.." Maya begins but fails to continue as she is interrupted by the young lady.

"Vasudha.. Vasudha Roy it is Miss Maya. I would prefer it if you call me by my name." Vasudha says while folding her arms below her chest. The guy standing beside her is failing miserably in his attempt to not look like he is truly proud of this lady.

"I am not here to talk about your preferences girl. This small game that you people are playing needs to stop by today. We kept our cool for a long time. Now the whole thing might not remain as simple and smooth as it has been till today." Maya says as precisely as possible.

"We trully want to stop, even we will stop whatever we are doing right away but on a simple condition, give them back what's theirs or arrange an alternative residence for them." Vasudha adds.

Danuj pauses the video and keeps looking at her picture for a few seconds. He then stands up and moves towards his kitchen.

He comes back after a few minutes sipping coffee from a coffee mug. He places that on the table beside the laptop and takes his seat once again. He clicks on the play button and the video starts to play again.

"What we do is business dear. It's has nothing to do with some homeless people. So neither we are going to give them back what is rightfully ours nor are we planning for an alternative. Rather you should start bothering about yourself from now on. I don't like people who dares talk back to me. And you seem to fit in that list pretty well Vasudha Roy." Maya says. To which the girl surprisingly smiles.

"I knew that you know my name. Impressive ma'am." Vasudha adds and suddenly her smiling face changes back to the serious one as she continues to say,
"First of all, I know you people well enough to assume what you can do. So.." she steps closer to the camera unfolds her hand and raises her index finger pointing at presumably Maya who is holding the camera and says,

"..DON'T. EVEN. DARE to threaten me like you did to the owner of 'Ashroy'. I knew it, I knew it has to be something like this otherwise Mr. Pattanayak would have never given up on this property. You really think that you can stop me with this petty threat? Then listen to me and listen well Miss Maya,  I have my father who will bravely give up his life for these helpless people out here and I won't lament over his death, if not anything I'll be proud. So very precisely I don't fear or have anything to lose. " She  releases a deep breath and takes  her steps back.

The other end seems to be under shock as it takes a few more seconds to say the inevitable.

"Do you have any idea what will happen to you after today if Mr. Danuj D' gets to know about this whole conversation. Your career will be finished. You will be finished." Maya concludes.

"And you think that I had no idea about the pendant that you're wearing." Vasudha adds smilingly, pointing towards the camera.

Danuj straightens his body, places the coffee mug on the table and brings his already clasped hands to his lips.

"What are you talking about girl?" Maya tries to play smart but Vasudha's eyes says it all. She is clever. Clever enough to understand that the pendant is not only a pendant but a camera that's recording everything.

She brings her face closer to it,

"It's a shame that you'll be watching this in highlights Mr. D'. I really hope that one day you become brave enough to face the challenges the world outside has to offer. It's a pity that you don't have the guts to do so. However, thank you, I think I've wasted enough time here." With this she turns around and leaves for that tiny stage.

He clenches his jaw, his hands are now fisted beside him. It takes him some time to slowly move his right hand towards the phone that's lying on the couch. He dials a number.

"Y-yes boss." Ojas says from the other end.

"Keep my  house ready and inform Maya, I am coming to Kolkata." His deep voice echoing against the walls.

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