Chapter : 79

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The Priority.

Love, some get it so easily that they don't even understand the value of it. They use it, they exploit the source of it for their personal gain and some strive till death to be loved, even if for once. A feeling so strong that you feel like dying at the sudden loss of it. As if the warmth that was keeping you alive, the energy that was running through your body has evaporated, leaving you cold, starving.... dead.

Devansh Sachdev, son of the renowned  Devraaj Sachdev, was a man of less words, more work. Honesty, confidence and determination were the features that formed his character. People depended on him, respected him, loved him for who he was and dreamed of surrendering their futures on his hand. But one day he an accident. That's what they knew, that's what they were told. Some believed the rumors some didn't. Some kept believing he was alive, some thought he was murdered and some simply lost hope.

And what about him? Did he die? Yes, he did. Devansh Sachdev was dead the very moment he saw his beloved younger brother stabbing him. He never regretted loving him, no, but he regretted that he never recognized him. He regretted that he failed to notice the small hands that once held into his for dear life turned big enough to hold a knife and stab him to death. He regretted that he never saw what his little brother was becoming. He regretted that he failed as a guardian, he failed to be a proper brother or a responsible son. He regretted that his extreme affection towards him took away his father's life. He regretted that he never, not even once listened to his father. Ashamed would be an understatement for how pathetic, how worthless he felt. Because the murderer wasn't Ekansh, it was him. He spoiled the small kid to the limit where he stopped valuing his affection and started taking him for granted.

He deserved the life he was given back then. A life full of darkness, no one to look forward to. He embraced every attack made on him like he was meant to receive it. The more blood oozed out of his body the more relaxed he felt. Because the guilt never stopped haunting him, the guilt of ruining so many lives. He craved to be loved, craved to find anything that'll show him the way to mercy but everytime he craved, his father's lifeless eyes looked back at him, as if reminding him of his punishment. Everytime he craved, his brother's venomous words filled his ears and he stopped, stopped searching for peace, for mercy. He stopped searching for everything. Stopped searching for her. He told himself that she is a no one, he has seen her for once, not much of a huge deal. He'll act as if he has never met her, as if he doesn't even remember who she is.

But fate is a funny thing. It drags into your life some otherwise irrelevant people who suddenly turns into the most relevant ones.
Just like the man who rescued Ojas was as irrelevant to him as possible till the time he knew him as Amit Nandy, when he was yet to know his real name, his real identity. Danuj is a man of words, so as promised he ran to save him from whatever trouble he was desperately trying to run away because  once he saved Ojas's life too.

Who knew that was the last time he will see him conscious?

The only words he got to hear from him were that he wants him to save someone named 'Sudha', who is his little sister and that 'he' is after her. It doesn't take a genius to understand that someone who was working under Ekansh must be running away from him only. Because by that time he was well aware of the things his mental brother is capable of doing.
He searched, everywhere for Amit's family. His men did, but they failed to get any information at all. How would they? They were searching informations related to Amit, not Abhay.

Until one fateful day the most beautiful woman he has ever witnessed in his entire life, the one that hypnotized him even when she was just a kid, had to slap him on the face and lose control of her body out of dizziness. He still remembers the feeling of having her in his arms for the first time. It was earth shattering. As if the darkness lurking around his life was being pushed away, as if something way too bright, too optimistic deliberately barged into his godforsaken gloomy life. He felt uneasy. He felt warm from within. That day he saw her cell phone slipping out of her hand and falling on the ground as her hand gripped his shirt for support. Yes, she held onto him for support. The feeling was so strong that his breath hitched. That day he felt something, something totally different from what he was practicing to feel, a weird sensation that people usually term as possessiveness. Yes, that's what he felt. He felt like he can't let her go, not today, not tomorrow, not ever. He felt greedy, felt hungry to feel her touch, to hold her within his embrace. But he didn't utter a word. He kept himself collected as her friends pulled her out of his embrace. Empty, that's what he felt. He tried to control the growing urge of pulling her back to his chest, as he kept looking at the ground clenching his jaw. That's when his eyes fell on her cell phone that was being picked up by probably Ganika, he not only felt possessive but frightened. Her phone screen was illuminated and the wallpaper had a picture of a man with a bright smile gracing his face, Amit Nandy aka Abhayendra Roy, brother of Vasudha Roy. Amit's "Sudha" is none other that his "Sudha". The realization hit him hard. Ekansh was after her, he was after his Sudha.

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