Chapter : 22

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Just a Slap?

"This is not happening to me really. I am dreaming, it has to be a nightmare!" Vasudha keeps on whispering to herself as tears stream down her cheeks relentlessly. Her eyes roam around the hall she is in. The huge sofa she is sitting on is immensely comfortable but that comfort is only reaching her tired exterior, her restless heart feels only one thing: dejection.

Every time her eyes are falling on the extremely gloomy interior, she's feeling like escaping. But she knows how she can't do that and throw everyone to die infront of this evil human being. As her throat feels dry, wiping her eyes, she stands up and starts scanning the room for a bottle or something. But this hall has nothing like that and she strolls towards the left side corridor.

On the left hand side of the corridor some huge doors are set, the right side too has doors but lesser than the left side. A particular door on the right side is open. The room is dark just like the others. She turns on the torch in her cell phone and gets inside the room. This room contains a t.v, a sofa, some couches at the very center of it. On the right side of the room in a huge wooden dinning table and on the extreme left is the kitchen. She suddenly feels relieved to see a jug and a few more bottles filled with water on the table. As she hastily moves towards the table and picks a bottle the light to the room turns on and she freezes.

"Hi there." Nihal's voice echoes through the empty room. She opens the cap and starts drinking without responding.

"This is not how you treat your well wishers, Vasudha. I thought you are smart." Nihal says again.

"And I thought you are smart enough to understand that I am deliberately ignoring you, sir." Vasudha says placing the bottle back on its place and turning around to face Nihal. To this Nihal chuckles.

"So you're back to your old self again. The "don't mess around with me" persona? However, are you hungry?" Nihal says moving towards the refrigerator inside the kitchen.

Although she is but her personality doesn't allow her to agree and she shakes her head to a 'no'. Nihal raises his eyebrows almost questioning her response then chuckles again.

"Fine then. I hope you won't mind seeing me eating this huge pizza alone? Although you can join me anytime before I finish it." Nihal winks as she prepares to leave. But she pauses and turns around again.

"You seem close to him. Can you tell me why he did this? Why am I here? Is it just because I slapped him?" She asks hesitantly.

"Smart. But to be honest I know nothing more than what you already know. He is hot headed and intolerably stubborn. You hurt his ego, Vasudha. But there can always be other reasons, he is a man of mysteries. Why don't you try to search out the truth on your own?" He says biting on a slice of his pizza.

"That's what I plan to do. Thank you." Vasudha responds.

"Call me Nihal. And if it doesn't hurt your self esteem, like it did earlier, have a slice." Nihal adds, moving a slice towards Vasudha.


She is thankful to Nihal for offering that slice. She was undoubtedly hungry. She thanks him and starts retiring to the sofa she fatefully chose for herself. Her thoughts go back to Nihal's words:

"But there can always be other reasons, he is a man of mysteries. Why don't you try to search out the truth on your own?"

"Can there really be any other reason behind this?" She thinks to herself as she strolls towards the sofa.

"Enjoyed the pizza?" A very recognizable rich voice interrupts her thoughts.
Startled she looks over her shoulder, only to find the same man's partially visible figure. His domineering masculine frame fails to hide its true self even in the darkness.

"I thought you were rich. You can't even afford to keep the lights on here. Pathetic Mr. D'. " Vasudha says hiding her surprise.

"My wealth is way too much for you to even imagine. So, you should keep your opinions to yourself on that matter, Miss Roy. But again, you don't know how to do that, do you?" Danuj says nearing her.

"How much do you know about me and my habits? I can talk, shout, sing, dance and do any thing that I find comfortable for myself. You.... keep your nose out of my personal matters." Vasudha says shortening the gap between themselves, as she finally gets to see those immensely attractive grey pair of eyes that are looking at her with a weird sort of intensity.

"Take your bag and follow me upstairs." Danuj utters without even blinking his eyes.

"W-why?" Vasudha asks suspiciously.

"The room where I keep and murder my preys is located upstairs." He responds casually.

"Wh-what?! What the.... stop triggering my thoughts deliberately. And if you are serious then keep in mind that my friends will never spare you if anything bad ha-happens to me. You unde.." But before she could finish the words her bag is very smoothly picked up by Danuj.

"If you are done then come upstairs." He adds as he turns around.

"Turn the lights on. I can't take the stairs in the dark." She says stubbornly looking at the ground.

"Did you just order me Miss Roy?" Standing on one of the stairs he asks in a dangerously low voice.

"Why would I? You're the "boss", aren't you? How would I?" She says in a defeated voice, looking at her feet. The grey pair of eyes glance back at her for a millisecond before switching on the lights.

She raises her eyes only to meet his retreating figure. For the first time she gets to notice the man's huge frame so meticulously. The loose black pyjama, the grey half sleeve shirt that barely manages to cover his strong built, his beautifully sculpted tall frame and jet black neatly back brushed hair makes him look undoubtedly attractive. But Vasudha has seen the unattractive side of the same man. To her his only true exterior is that gruesome scar on his face. It's as ugly as he is from inside.

His figure stops on the third huge maple wood door at the left side of the corridor. Vasudha peaks into the room as he opens the door. The room is big and spacious. It doesn't contain anything more than the necessary stuff. A huge bed at the very center with a window at its head, a tea table at the right side of the bed, a wooden cupboard at the left wall of the room, one, presumably, attached washroom next to it, a dressing table is set against the right wall with a mirror attached to it, one huge window right next to it, a medium sized table and chair is placed infront of it.

He gets inside and places the bag on the study table.

"Get in." His rich voice resonates through the room. Vasudha slowly enters the room.

"This house has some rules. Rules, that won't change for anyone. Ojas will tell you about everything. For tonight the things you need to know are: don't roam around alone, don't go outside in the dark, unless you want yourself killed. This corridor has another kitchen, you'll find that on your left towards the end of it." With that said he prepares to leave when her voice is heard.

"This can't be the only reason. A slap? Just because I slapped you once? Why are you doing this to me Mr. D'?" She asks nearing his retreating figure and narrowing his eyes, he turns around. As he does so she looks straight into his eyes. His tall frame towers over her as he closes the gap between them.

"You said you know me, you've seen and heard enough of me? Then you should know that I can actually do this for a slap. Can't I? Stop bothering this tiny brain of yours. You wanted those people safe, I made sure they are. You are my prize for their safety and that's it. Don't overthink, Vasudha." Saying so, he turns around and leaves. But his answer doesn't satisfy her. Something keeps bothering her from inside and she knows she will solve whatever it may be.


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Love, Puja. 😍

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