Chapter : 47

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You Promise?

Vasudha's mind remains stuck to what she witnessed a few minutes back. Sitting beside her and driving the car is the same cruel man who tried to take over Ashroy forcefully. Who made them cry, gave them countless sleepless nights, gave conditions that almost forcefully made her stay with him.

And then his unbiased, honest grey eyes occupy her thoughts. How he looked at those kids was shocking to her. What shocked her more was when she saw a stack of the same cards peeking out of his wallet. No doubt he seemed easy while doing this, which only means one thing, he does that quite frequently. What was that card, where did he ask the kid to go? And the owner he claimed to know she is certain is none other than he himself.

After seeing him up close her feelings towards him gradually changed without her knowledge. Now she knows there is another world in his mind where he has buried this precious side of his character. Her chain of thoughts take a totally different turn as it takes her back to some two years back.

She was laying on the comfortable sofa of her small but warm house. Her one hand held a book and she was totally engrossed in it. Her father was sitting on the couch right beside hers. His eyes were glued to the TV screen as he listened to the news very carefully, as if he will sit for an exam or something.

"This keeps becoming challenging with time. What do we call him when his actions keep scaring people everywhere. On one hand some people keep complaining about his ruthless nature on the other hand a huge amount of people, particularly those who we see as the deprived class, keep treating him as some God. The protest that's going on outside the high court is quite huge and scary. The funny thing is none of them knows how he looks like or at least that's what we feel." The reporter kept saying. Vasudha finally moved her head towards the TV screen as she witnessed this huge crowd standing outside the high court. She kept staring at the screen in utter surprise.

"This man has to have done something really good to get so much support from so many people." She thought.

"As you can see, the court case between the Sachdev Industries and the D' Imperium has given us at least one thing, a clear picture of how the state will break into a huge revolt if anything wrong is to happen to Mr. Danuj D' or in this case if he loses this court case."

Coming back to the present she remembers how those people celebrated his victory. He has always been loved and respected beyond measures by this particular section. And for a fact deep down she knows that there has to be a very strong reason behind it. What hurts her now is the realization that he had to fight against his own brother all this time. A brother who seemingly doesn't know anything about his existence.

She keeps feeling his stare all the way. After that incident they kept silent. She thought asking questions might make him more self conscious and sensitive. She has only started to pull him out of his own little dark world. She cannot risk being harsh with him now, she has to be careful.

As they enter their compound her eyes fall on the a huge lake. Its water keeps glistening under the moonlight. The car stops infront of the mansion and without uttering one word Danuj gets down to get the things out of the car giving her one last glance. She very slowly opens the door, almost silently and starts moving towards the trees beside the lake.

Danuj takes the packets and comes infront of the car expecting to see her there. But his eyebrows furrow as he doesn't find her there. He snaps his head to his left and right in search of her, then looks at the front door which is still closed. Without his understanding a feeling quite old and scary starts settling at the pit of his stomach as his breathing becomes heavy. His grip on the carry bags loosens and they fall on the grass, his forehead gets covered in small drops of sweats.

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