Chapter : 83

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Danuj Devansh Sachdev.

"The harsh truth that Ekansh Sachdev not only murdered his own father or attempted to murder his brother but also kidnapped and tortured Ms. Vasudha Roy and attempted to murder her brother Mr. Abhayendra Roy as well, is beyond everyone's tolerance. So as they say 'what goes around, comes around'. The truth might have shaken us but the fact that the owner of The D' Imperium and  The Sachdev Industry is the same person and is  none other than Mr. Danuj D' or as he declared himself, Mr. Danuj Devansh Sachdev, makes it crystal clear as to how he made his place in the world wide rankings of top ten richest Billionaires within such a short period. The sudden leap in his career is not that sudden after all. He, Mr. Danuj Devansh Sachdev, son of the renowned Mr. Devraaj Sachdev, was somewhat destined to become a business tycoon. Unsurprisingly enough, now we all know how he looks like. The only part that remains unchanged is the fact that he indeed is a self made man and an idol for the new generation. We are saddened after knowing what he had to go through but also thankful that he finally broke the mystery.

And about Ms.Vasudha Roy, I think by now the country knows of her capability quite well. The fact that she has rejected the offers from so many political parties without even bothering to talk to them makes her even more intriguing. She's one strong woman our nation has got. The rumor is still going on about her willingness to form her own political party along with her teammates and her ever growing followers. Right now we cannot be certain but getting a leader as strong and courageous as her will only improve the ongoing system, that much we can hope." The news channel goes on as Digbijoy looks at the T.V screen with his eyes beaming with pride. He always believed Abhay and Vasudha were born to make history, they were born to do good for the society and that belief always held him back from interrupting or stopping them. Today sitting infront of his television he feels happy for his son and daughter.

"There'll be plenty of time for you to watch your daughter on screen, now that she has got famous, but if your precious daughter murders me because I haven't fed you enough, my poor life would be gone for good. Eat this right now!" Zoya points her finger towards the plate filled with fruits and the bowl of oatmeal right beside it. Digbijoy laughs wholeheartedly and shakes his head.

"I am so happy to see all of you safe and unharmed. You have no idea how much it means to me. If only Abhay...." Releasing a sigh he looks at the ceiling.

Zoya's heart aches but she immediately smiles and utters,
"About that, I have a good news to give you. Nihal and Ganika will be bringing him home today. Yes, he still can't walk or talk, but he can see us and respond to us with his head and his hands. The doctor even said, if he keeps trying this way he will get back the ability to speak. Isn't that a nice news?"

"He'll be back today?" Digbijoy asks, trying hard not to cry.

"Yes, not only Abhay da but Danuj and Sudha are also coming back today. We'll be together, just like the old days uncle." Zoya says, enveloping the old man's hand with hers.

The temple looked just the same but the Purohit was a young boy, who looked barely sixteen years old. Danuj immediately felt sad although he still reached the kid and stood infront of him. Before he could utter a word the kid looked at him with disbelief but then his face broke into a small smile as he calmly asked,
"Looking for someone?"

Right now they are standing outside an old wooden door of a small house, settled deep within the woods. The young Purohit already knocked on the door before, so when the door opens they get greeted by a middle aged woman. He turns his face to look at Sudha, standing right beside him. She's looking straight at the woman and smiling.

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