Chapter : 61

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The Story

The room is filled with pin drop silence except for Nihal's heavy breathing. Looking at Ojas's face he can decipher how sincere and resolute he looks. He knows what he did was necessary but now looking at Ojas his confidence is faltering. Failing to suppress the growing pressure inside him he breaks the silence.

"All of us are grateful to him for so many things. We received so much but being the weaklings, still couldn't gather the courage to fight for him. That girl, that girl has that in her Ojas. She has this fire within her that kept surprising me from the beginning. She doesn't stop for any replacements. She gets what she wants. And when I saw the same confidence, the same determination in her eyes I couldn't let go of this slim chance of ever seeing him gaining back his rightful reputation. When it comes to Dan, Vasudha is quiet a less privileged person in comparison to us, that is in a materialistic way. But I think she has earned the most valuable thing one could have expected from him. She has earned his heart, along with his will power to carry on this mundane living. Seeing now I know that he will barely function without her around him. But it's for a few days and then everything will...."
His words remain unfinished as Ojas finally opens his mouth.

"She is in danger there. The same danger her brother warned us about."

Maya, furrows her eyes sitting right beside Ojas.

"What danger? It seems like Ekansh just wanted to pull another publicity stunt to degrade our reputation and.." Maya tries to explain but her words gets interrupted.

"Then where is the media? Which news channel is defaming us Ma'am? You're quite correct when you suspect that he will do this just because he wanted to showcase himself as a hero all over again. Yes that's what he does every time. But no. This one obviously does not seem like a publicity stunt. This is a small part of a bigger plan. He is planning something that can harm Vasudha in the worst way possible. That was the main cause she has been kept here, under boss's protection." Ojas says.

"What?! I can't understand a single thing Ojas? How is that even possible? D' saw her for the first time while the protest was going on. How is this even possible?" Maya questions.

"Yes. I saw her for the first time. You did too but not him. That takes me back to the story I told you about. I think it's time you know everything. The story begins some four years back, when he was staying at Mussoorie. Remember the first lot of foreign investors, who were already aligned to some of the huge companies but quite tactically we turned them towards us? Yes, they were the first foreign investors that we practically lured away from their original commitments. The day after that, Ashok Nanda of A.A Technologies decided it would be nice to take his revenge at the earliest and show us how powerful he can be with is rented goons from Sachdev Industries. Boss was busy dealing with some other works when I was returning from the training hub and the front two tiers of my car got punctured. Pieces of glass, old rusty nails and many other things were scattered everywhere. It was planned. I knew it and by the time I could turn around to bring my gun I was stabbed and also hit on the back of my head with something strong, although I did manage to turn around and bring my gun even after I got attacked, there were some four of them. Each one was shot. But I knew that was my limit. I tried to get some help or atleast a lift to the nearest hospital but no one stopped and even if they did they ran away the moment they saw what happened to me.

And then he stopped. The purest pair of brown eyes, twinning Vasudha's. He was tall, lightly built. I still remember he was wearing a black button down shirt and a blue jeans I guess. He helped me get into his car. He remained utterly silent throughout the journey but then he saw me dozing off. But he said something that actually kept me awake for the rest of the journey.

'Don't fall asleep Mr. Kashyap. I know how much your wellness might mean to Mr. Danuj D'.' He noticed the surprise in my eyes and immediately explained,
'Okay, see. Don't worry I might work in the Sachdev Industries....'

That's when I noticed the logo on the steering wheel and I tensed up but he continued.

'But I am a huge fan of Mr. D' you know. And I recognize you from the various news channels. Hence, no worries. However,  I think you should inform someone.  We are nearing the hospital. '

'I left my phone in my suit.' I managed to utter after a huge struggle.

'You can use my phone if you want. Do you remember anyone's number?' He asked genuinely, eyes trained at the road not once looking at me.

I did. I always did. So I told him the temporary number that boss used to have back at that time and asked for the cell phone. He gave that to me without hesitation.

'I am injured. There is this guy taking me to the Rameshwaram health center. It's his number.' That was all I said over the phone and without anyone's knowledge the story began.

I didn't expect boss to show up himself at the hospital but he did and he met him. I don't know what to call him anymore, Amit Nandy or Abhayendra Roy. But now I know that he was sharp enough to interpret that the man in black mask is not some ordinary friend of mine as I introduced to him, because he very knowingly hid his name. He introduced himself as Amit Nandy to both of us. Boss was way too much pleased with him because he downright said that he would talk to Danuj D' if Amit would like to work for the D' Imperium, but Amit very decently avoided the offer.

'You saved Ojas. That means a lot to me. So if you ever and I mean ever need anything, any help from me or from Mr. D', feel free to make a call on mine or his number.' He gave him the card with his personal number. I kept looking at the then known Amit, who looked like he was looking at God or something. And something inside me kept telling that he understood that this is no friend of mine, this is Danuj D' himself.

Now I know that he did recognize him. After all, it's all about his aura. He can hide his face but not the power he unconsciously carries around him." Ojas says.

"If he didn't know his original name, how did he manage to deduce that Vasudha is his sister?" Nihal asks.

"The story hasn't even begun, sir. Have patience." Ojas responds.


"She is staying in the Sachdev Palace boss. Five of her friends are also staying there along with her." The man on the other side of the phone utters.

"C-can you see her?" Danuj asks looking blankly at the sky from the terrace of the hospital. He didn't dare go back to the mansion. He knew the emptiness will eat him alive. He would rather sit against this rough wall all night than go back to a house where she is nowhere to be found. A house that's void of the sound of her laughter, her naturally refreshing earthy smell, her does and don'ts, is more like a house that is filled with carbon dioxide. He won't be able to breathe there.

"I am sorry boss. But we couldn't see her."  The man utters.

"Anything else?" He asks.

"No boss." The man answers.

"I want informations, more informations. This is just not enough. Do you hear me?! This is not enough. I need her back to me as fast as possible.  I need her safe! And your information isn't helping!" His deep voice keeps raising from low to loud.

"I apologize boss. I'll work hard on it." The man answers as Danuj disconnects the call. His whole body keeps shaking. He knows there is no food in his stomach and also the medicines are giving him a hard time. But he needs to see her. No matter how much effort it takes on his part. He lights up another cigarette and brings that to his lips, inhaling a generous amount of smoke. Then he stands up and looks straight ahead of him. Within a millisecond he is running down the stairs towards his car. He made his mind. He will see her and no one can stop him.


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Love, Puja. 💜

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