Chapter : 68

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Standing at the window, Ekansh keeps staring at Vasudha. A baby pink salwar suit is what she is wearing today. A few of her beautiful hair strands are pulled behind her head with a clutcher, the rest is cascading down her back and that's it. What's so special about her, he keeps on thinking. She talks less, smiles rarely, she always seems to be thinking about something. But she has this calm refreshing feeling about her that's drawing him towards her. His brain is so occupied with her thoughts that other demands, other girls, other desires have somehow disappeared. All he wants is to seek her attention, spend time with her and to touch her. The fraction of moment he could touch her skin yesterday, while pulling her into his chest, was bliss. He felt her discomfort but with time she will get used to it. That day is not far when she will be all his. He walks toward the table and takes an empty chair. The table is way too silent today. None of them are chatting or talking amongst each other which is odd. He has seen them before, they talk a lot.

"Hey, all good, why is the table so silent?" He asks curiously. He gets the answer from the one he least expected and his heart flutters.

"Umm, they are bored. Aren't you guys?" Vasudha asks to which Abhirup immediately responds.

"Yes. That we are."

"So is there anything special you would like to do today? There is a theater and gaming room in the second floor, you can go there. I'll ask Raghu chacha. Although I won't be able to give you company. I have to leave for a meeting and that'll take some three to four hours. But you can always roam around the mansion and go for the theater or gaming room." Ekansh answers.

"I was thinking about roaming around the old mansion. We have been seeing it throughout our childhood. It holds a nostalgic emotion to us." Vasudha says looking at him. She sees him clenching his jaw. But she had to do it.

"Do you not like this mansion?" He asks, his eyes taking a totally different turn from too gentle to downright scary. She knows she has to be clever with this man. Not like she didn't understand his uncomfortable liking towards her. His eyes speak way more than his mouth. He likes her, he wants to have her in every way possible. Even the others have noticed that.

"Ofcourse I like it. I can bet even after looking into that mansion I would like this mansion more. We have made so many good memories here within such a short period of time. The piano adds to it. And above all your hospitality. We are grateful. It's just I feel really bored. It would be better if I could do something outside this mansion for a while. I know you might have some emotional attachments towards that mansion. It might be really close and personal to you. So it's understandable if you don't like us going there, we'll find out something else to do." She utters the last line with a long sad sigh.

"Vasudha, you think so much about others. I was being a jerk. Go there. I'll ask Raghu chacha to be with you guys. I just thought you didn't like this mansion. I apologize for how I behaved." Saying so he moves his hand from under the table and engulfs her hand within his. He feels her stiffen, so he turns his face towards her and whispers.

"Relax darling, I am not like him. I'll never hurt you, Vasudha. I'll love you, so much that even the tiniest fears inside you will evaporate. I promise." She immediately snaps her head towards him only to find him smiling like a decent man. A decent man, that he is not. A monster? Yes, that's what he is. She needs to hurry up before everything goes out of her hand.


While opening the lock hanging from the main door, Raghu ji keeps looking at them suspiciously, particularly at Vasudha. His stares do not go unnoticed by Vasudha, however she prefers not to react. And then they get inside the old mansion, if jaw dropping had sound then it could've been heard from outside. All them stands there, awestruck and mesmerized. The high ceiling, the bright beige colored interior, the huge beautiful sculptures and the paintings hanging from the wall, Mr. Devraaj Sachdev must have built this entire mansion with extreme love. The mere thought of them makes Vasudha feel uneasy. The thought of Danuj plagues her mind. The horrible picture of how brutally he was nearly killed makes her feel suffocating. The feeling of the same criminal's hand on hers twists her stomach. That's when her eyes fall on a huge closed door.

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