Chapter : 69

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All of You.

These two kids are way too interested in the mansion but the girl whose interest Raghu ji found mysterious is not with them. The fact that she decided to stay back at the terrace didn't fit well with the old man. He has spent a long life seeing, serving and dealing with the most conceited psychopath. His age and his experience has taught him enough about human kind. It has a simple trick, avoid the outer expression,  see the hidden intentions,observe the eyes. And Vasudha's held a promise. His assumption says she is up to something, and that has to be related to her brother.

It's time to face her, to open up infront of her. He has seen so many lives getting ruined so many times that Vasudha's optimistic eyes are challenging his silence. The guilt inside him increases. He needs to find her, he needs to know what she is upto and if she is truly capable of drawing an end to the chain of injustices, then she deserves to know the truth.


"That's it. We're going home."

Home, how bad she wants to go back  there, how bad she wants to be at peace with all of them. Her father, her brother, Nihal, Ojas, her friends and Danuj. The man she has come to love with all that's inside her. Who would have known that destiny was preparing such a horrible rollercoaster ride for her. But now that she has already taken a seat she must finish through it, be it alive or dead.

"I can't." Vasudha answers. Lightly pushing his face away from hers. Danuj looks into her eyes, furrowing his eyebrows.

"And why can't you?" He asks menacingly.

"I need time." She answers taking a deep breath.

"And what if I disagree?" He questions.

"That won't stop me." She answers confidently. Possessiveness, that's all he feels as he grips her arms and pulls her hard against his chest. His jaw clenches as he tries hard to to control the overwhelming emotions inside him.

"Does it make you happy to stay away from me? That too, at a stranger's place? That would obviously mean you are more comfortable around him...." He pauses as his jaw sharpens even more and voice lowers to a whisper,

".... or do you already trust him more than me, l- like him more than me, huh? You're abandoning me? Tell me, are you leaving me all alone to myself? Is this some kind of a punishment?" He continues saying, leaving Vasudha shocked and speechless at the pain his eyes are portraying. She is this close to finding an evidence against the monster who is behind so many things. She cannot get influenced right now. She needs to understand that it's for Danuj, it's for her brother, it's for her and so many others, she cannot stop now.

"My brother is in that condition, I saw him. I know you knew he was my brother but deliberately hid that from me. So if you consider this as abandoning you then tell me why shouldn't I ? How.... how could you keep silent for so many months Danuj?! You saw my pain you, saw how i was striving to find anything, any clue to find out if he was alive, if he was still breathing. But you chose to keep quiet. Why should I trust you? I shouldn't. That's it, you should leave now." Uttering each word was nothing but sheer pain for her. But if saying these things keep him away and safe for now then that's what she needs.

On the other hand every word feels like stab wounds to Danuj. She is hurt. He hurt her. He hurt her feelings, her trust for him. His head remains hung throughout. He feels ashamed but that's nothing compared to the terror of losing her. The mere thought of seeing her with someone else, not getting to hold her in his arms, not getting to feel her affections towards him is enough to keep him traumatize for eternity. He raises his head but his eyes don't meet hers. Vasudha's heart keeps aching at the sight infront of her. He looks lost, defeated, everything that she doesn't want him to be. But if she was shocked before, she goes far beyond that when she sees his body limping as he falls on his knees right infront of her. Head hanging low, fingers trembling. Her eyes immediately close out of instinct, as if closing her eyes will change the truth.

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