Chapter : 80

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Wounded Animal.

Maya knew about D's lifestyle, she knew staying with him calls for huge risks but she couldn't give up. He has always been the closest person to her after Nihal. But now when this bulky man holds the sharp knife on her throat, now when another man holds her by her hair from behind all she feels is defeated. She feels ashamed that she isn't capable enough to help the others, she isn't able to contribute anything to this mess going around her.  Hence, she slowly closes her eyes and readies herself to accept whatever is to come her way. The only thing she can do is die with her head high. She won't let even a drop of tear slip out of her eyes. She can't. She takes a deep breath and accepts her fate.

Surprisingly enough, the knife doesn't even touch her throat rather the weight of the man holding her by her hair vanishes. She immediately snaps her eyes open only to find Abhirup beating both of them mercilessly. Right beside him Mihir and Derek are also violently dealing with some other almost similarly built men. But the girls are nowhere to be seen. She feels dizzy all of a sudden and right before she feels like collapsing to the ground someone steadies her by her shoulders.

"Weakness doesn't suit you lady." The voice says. By now she knows who this is. Abhirup. The guy who keeps staring at her with a hawk like precision. She finds him intriguing. But right now all she felt is a feeling of comfort and security, as she finally lets loose the pent up emotions, they pour out of her eyes like a stream. Scared, she was scared and she knew it. She never felt remotely close to this, she never had to confront men so cruel, so nasty. The feeling of their hands on her body was enough to make her feel like vomiting. Before she gets to notice, two fingers wipe away the drop of tears. Her eyes move upwards and meet his hazel ones.

He looks unbelievably concerned, the fact that the emotion is so true, so raw and so visible that it relaxes her and she does the impossible, she dives into his arms as her arms wrap themselves around his neck. She shows affection,  something that she has never been capable of showing.

Abhirup stands there, still, stunned. But then very slowly his one hand wraps  itself around her shoulder and the other behind her head, as he slowly whispers,

"Careful there, I seem to belong from a very mediocre family. Not even close to your standard, you know. However, I can always hold a beautiful woman like you within my 'below poverty line' embrace. Who knows when will be the next time I'll get a chance to do something like this?"

To his utter surprise Maya, the audacious, snobbish Maya Deshpande chuckles, making his heart skip a beat.


He is still alive, still suffering and screaming. Weirdly enough Danuj finds it amusing for the first time. He deserves more than just this pain.  But he has no time to waste. He knows he'll die eventually, either out of pain or blood loss.  Glancing at his writhing figure one last time he turns around. He needs to hurry up. He needs to see her.

Just then he feels it, the feeling you get when something is just about to happen. You don't see it but you know it's to come. His grey eyes turn inhumanely dark, furious. The scar on his face reddens as if to make him look more gruesome, more scary.

So he, with his ever growing professional  precision, pulls his gun out, turns back at the figure of Ekansh and empties the fully loaded gun. He sees as the bullets plung through his heart and it stops, stops beating for good. All he hears is some gibberish cries and a last scream of death.

"I saw you doing that, Mr. Devansh Sachdev." A voice says from behind him but he doesn't feel like turning around. His grey eyes are fixed on Ekansh's open lifeless eyes. His face is all bloody,  his body is no different. Danuj stands there like a stone. As the anger slowly leaves his face and something else takes its place. Pain, sorrow, regret and so many other emotions.

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