Chapter : 74

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A Fighter.

Rejection, something Ekansh has never felt in his entire life. He had plenty of experiences from the beginning till today but never had he encountered something like this. Every single soul fears him, for his power, for how his mind works. Even he knows, there is something extremely wrong with him, but he fails to control it. He snaps, most of the times. He easily erases people who disagree with him. But here he is standing infront a woman who not only has the audacity to reject him but also has the confidence to do that looking straight into his eyes, fearlessly. The words that should actually make him angry were making him anxious. Something he hardly feels. It practically stung when she uttered those words,

"If you allow me to say I would like to be honest with you. I am really sorry Ekansh but I cannot accept your proposal."
Vasudha said, keeping her expression cold, as always. The way she was looking directly into his eyes with so much confidence was unsettling.

If he was someone who hasn't seen her previously he could've been fooled, but he has seen her bright smile, her warm eyes full of life and that's what drove him insane. This person that was looking into his eyes was a totally different person, there was nothing happy about her, she was like a stone.

An unknown emotion starts building inside of him, something he has no control over. Something that seems deeper and stronger than mere attraction.

"Why? Why this coldness Vasudha? Why can't you consider my proposal for once?" He asks feeling anxious.

"This is what I am Ekansh, cold, as you said. There is nothing you'll get from me. I am a mediocre girl, from an even mediocre family, someone who doesn't even come close to your standard. Hence, I would rather stop beating around the bush and come to the point, I don't want you to raise your hope up. I am simply...." Before she gets to finish her words she is harshly pulled into his chest. The unknown emotion that was pushing him from inside breaks free as he wraps his arms around her pulling her as close to him as humanly possible.

"Do you know who you're talking to? Do you know who I am?! I am Ekansh Sachdev. I can destroy you and everyone close to you within a blink of an eye." He says gritting through his teeth, their lips mere inches apart.

"I know what you can do sir, I am no fool. But I can't help it." She says trying to pull herself out of his grip. What surprises her is how his eyes soften as if immediately. He clenches his eyes shut and mutters under his breath,
"Fuck, what have I done?"

As he opens his eyes he cups her face with one of his hands while the other keeps her captive. 

"I apologize for my words, Vasudha. Seems like I am loosing it suddenly. What the hell are you doing to me? What.. what do you not like in me? Tell me, please. Please. I want one chance to become a better person for you. I'll do anything. I'll try, I'll try to become however you want me to be. Please don't do this, don't throw me away like this." He says restlessly. Vasudha however keeps looking at his eyes, at how they look sincere for the first time. This man can't really have true feelings for her, can he? The man who ruined so many people's lives without even flinching, cannot feel like a normal human being, can he? She suddenly feels like running away. Any escape, any at all would do right now and that's when the phone vibrates once again and she takes the opportunity.

"I need time." She says hurriedly as she pulls herself out of his arms and continues,
"I think, it's something urgent. You should receive the call."

Ekansh keeps looking at her face as if trying to find answers, nevertheless he brings the cell phone out of his pocket. The moment he receives it his expression changes into worry.

"What?! Have you contacted Ragesh Malhotra?!" He asks shouting but the name immediately draws Vasudha's attention. She has heard this name many a times from her brother, Police Commissioner Ragesh Malhotra. She tries to overhear whatever little portions of the other man's words are  audible from her close proximity, as she hears the man utter something like,

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