Chapter 18: Until Tomorrow.

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"What?! He will never do this!" Maya shouts over phone.

"Then I'll suggest sis, you should get ready to witness things he has never done before." Nihal replies, tossing his sweat pant into the washing machine and moving towards the washroom.

"How did you allow it? Isn't it about his security? Has he forgotten everything?" Maya asks again.

"You sound brave enough. Why don't you try to do the same then? Let me tell you why? None of us stands a single chance infront of his godforsaken wrath. So, calm down, Maya. Let him handle everything the way he wants. You should rather focus on your business deals. That'll do some good." Smiling at his own lame joke Nihal disconnects the call.


"What the hell is this Mr. Danuj D'? Are you joking around with people's lives. You want me to trust this hilarious offer? We kept on fighting for so many days to no avail and now you're saying you'll let them live there at the cost of this; you want to keep me captive?! Do I look like a fool?! WHAT ON EARTH WILL YOU GET KEEPING ME HERE FOREVER?!" Vasudha shouts with every power her vocal cords could allow, thumping her hand on the wooden table. But to her disappointment the man doesn't even flinch for a second and keeps on staring at her like a creep.

"I get to show you how I handle a stubborn, audacious girl, for her unexpected level of  bravery. You'll never dare to slap me again, will you, Ms. Roy?" He says bringing his clasped hands to his mouth, and supporting his elbows on the table.

"I am afraid, you don't know me then. And also, I reject this offer. I'll manage on my own. Thank you for such a nice opportunity. You showed how considerate you can be." She says, standing up from her seat.

"Fine then. My offer is open till tomorrow. After that, even I won't be available. Have a good night Ms. Roy. Hope to see you soon." The very moment he finishes, Vasudha turns around and leaves. And the moment she leaves the same fruity fragrance hits her nostrils. When her eyes open she finds herself sitting on the bench outside her house. A small sticky note is attached to her bag, it reads:

"As promised, I have returned you safely. You'll find your cell phone in the second pocket of your bag. It was funny meeting you ma'am."

She knows who could attach this : Ojas.

She stands up and enters her room. For a second she actually considered being his captive if that led to every other solutions. But she wants to give it a try, a last try, so that when she stands infront of the mirror in the coming days, she can at least console herself saying that : "I gave myself a chance too."

She immediately brings out her phone and dials Abhirup's number.

"Gather everyone at Ashroy, urgently. We'll spend the night there." She says over phone.

"Okay. But how are you? And what happened there? Did they hurt you in any way?" Abhirup throws his questions immediately.

"No, they didn't. And it was a worthless visit. Let's not waste anymore time on this. We have more urgent matters to focus on." She says and munching on some biscuits, leaves her house. She will visit her father for once then she'll move on to Ashroy.


When she visits her father, surprisingly she finds him awake.

"Baba.." She utters quietly.

"Sudha, where were you?" Her father asks looking a little worried.

"I was busy handling an important task. Sorry it took me so much time. Did they give your liquid food?" She asks, sitting beside him.

"It tasted awful." He says making a funny face.

"Yes, that it should. But you can handle a little awful, can't you?" She says ruffling his hair.

"Yes. I have to." He says with a fake sad face.

Talking about this and that she spends few more minutes with her father, until he falls asleep. And then she leaves for Ashroy.

Suddenly this night has become one very important night of her life. She can still choose to ignore the offer she has been given but she knows if she doesn't find any ray of hope tonight or tomorrow, it all ends in a horrible way.


"Days are coming to an end guys. We need to do something. I tried selling my house several times but fixing everything so urgently seems next to impossible." Vasudha says, holding her head in her hands.

"What if we offer them your house directly." Says Mihir.

"What the hell Mihir, you're actually considering this as an option?" Derek shouts.

"Why not? What options do we have?" Mihir asks.

"Then why don't you sell yours instead of encouraging her?" Derek shouts.

"I would've, if only my parents agreed. They don't, and you all know that, damn it!" Mihir says getting agitated.

"Guys, this is not the right time to fight against each other. We have to come to a solution. So many lives are depending on us." Abhirup explains.

"See, selling the house is off limit and offering D' Imperium and them accepting the same is way too uncertain. We need to come to a strong solution." Ganika responds.

"She's right. But what else can we do? We can't get that much of money overnight." Abhirup retorts.

"Think whole night and come to a solution. I need all of you to think and bring out something fruitful. We can do it. WE HAVE TO DO IT!" Vasudha says, looking at everyone's face individually.


"Wow. You let her go unharmed. Eventhough that makes me happy, I can't really stop thinking about how she'll go out and shout out to her friends about your whereabouts." Nihal says.

"She doesn't know my address. Go, and set the plates on the table." Danuj says.

"How come?" Nihal asks in confusion.

"She lost her senses midway. That's how." He says stacking up a few files in the bookshelf beside him.

"My goodness! Now I understand what made her so grumpy." Nihal says, as if to himself.

"You met her?" He asks sounding a little offended.

"Yes I did. What, can't I?" Nihal asks.

"No. You can't. Actually, no one can. That's what her punishment would be." He says, making his way to the dining hall.

"What punishment Dan?" Nihal asks sounding a little worried.

"Worried for your new acquaintance, are you?" He asks raising one of his eyebrows.

"Acquaintance? No. At least not yet." Nihal clarifies.

"Fine. If "not yet", then practice saying "never" from tonight." He says as he brings the plates himself.

"If it wasn't me, to the ears of a stranger, you would have sounded like a jealous man, Dan. Be careful about what you're throwing yourself into. If you drown, you drown with everyone else. That will also include Vasudha in future." Nihal says as he starts serving himself.

The last line takes Danuj. While serving himself, he stops midway. But then manages to utter one simple line, that makes every other lines blurred and only one line crystal clear:

"No matter what, from tomorrow, she, and everything related to her should be no one else's concern except for mine, I would like it if you keep that in mind for future references." With that said he brings a spoon full of rice and shoves that into his mouth.


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Love, Puja.🙃

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