Chapter : 85

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Be Pretty From Inside.

Human beings are peculiar. They always search for peace but when it's finally offered to them, they choose chaos instead. Now that Vasudha enters into her small but humble abode and sees her father laughing and talking to her friends; now when she sees her brother sitting on a wheel chair right beside her father with a small, barely visible smile on his face, she feels that all she ever wanted was their happiness, their safety, but she also knows that if the need be she will again choose the difficult path, choose to fight against those who try to take away the happiness from her close ones, from the helpless people around her. Because how is it possible to stay back at home, relishing the food and the warm company of your family when others are suffering outside, fighting to manage their daily food, fighting to protect their malnourished kids, fighting to provide them with the bare minimum? How is it fair? No, it isn't.

So the conclusion is, her fight doesn't end, the present situation in front of her is nothing but a temporary break, that's that. She has a long journey ahead of her and she wants to move forward with the man standing right beside her. Danuj, the first and probably the last man she will ever love this strongly. When she began her journey with the purpose of bringing him down to his knees she might have never thought that he will do just that but for an entirely different reason. A person can be as handsome and beautifully sculpted as he is, but he can never compete with this man when it comes to his innocence. Yes, after all this time she has come to this conclusion that this man is downright innocent, because, to her, innocence is nothing close to being foolish or stupid, it simply means being pure and untainted. Even after seeing and confronting so many vile human beings throughout his entire life, the goodness within him remained unchanged. What is innocence if not this?

"Sudha.... " Her father's voice brings her out of her deep thoughts as she looks infront and smiles at him.

"Welcome Mr. Sachdev, its truly an honour to have you here." The old man adds.

Now when Vasudha looks at Danuj, she finds it extremely cute and hilarious at the same time, because he looks like a huge harmless giant standing at the small entrance of her house, with a very confusing expression on his face.

"You know, you can always turn around and run out of this mess. Just an advice, it can save you from the humiliation of confronting these dangerous, criminal minded people." Stifling a laugh, Vasudha whispers in his ear and gets a very kid like glare in return.

"Huh! I can manage talking to them. I've dealt with bigger challenges. They dont scare me." He says the last part under his breath.

Vasudha never needed to remind herself of the fair share of potential and life threatening challenges the man has had to experience throughout his life, she will never dare to. But the fact that even after facing so many things in his entire life he is actually scared to be a part of her family, her world, is somewhat melting her from inside. However, after taking a deep breath he finally decides to move inside her house and take his seat on one of the small but comfortable couches her house had to offer.

It took him some half an hour to mingle up with everyone, after that he seemed to be enjoying the company quite a lot.

While preparing dinner for everyone Vasudha keeps stealing glances at him, finding him deeply engrossed in the on-going discussion about a sportsperson of her fathers time. While Zoya and Ganika keeps helping her in the kitchen, the men are quite busy conversing over East Bengal and Mohun Bagans Football team, surprisingly enough Danuj seems to have enough knowledge about the legacy of both the Bengal based teams.

The sound of their laughter and the way her brother keeps taking part in the whole discussion, may not be verbally but with his gestures at the very least, makes her feel content. He keeps agreeing or disagreeing by nodding his head yes or no, sometimes he even moves his hands. If he keeps trying like this Vasudha is certain he will show progress very soon. Their happy faces, their reluctant and worriless expressions, warm her up from within, just like the old times. They are happy, he is happy and thats what she needs.

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