Chapter : 64

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The Reason.

"Baba, why did we build this safehouse? We already have so many security guards and body guards." A small Devansh asked his father as he entered the mysterious room.

"When you'll get older you'll know that the guards are not enough when your accomplishments are way too huge. And about this room, don't you like it? A cool hiding place for you and me?" Devraaj asked winking at his son.

"Yes, I like it. But can I tell Ansh and Nihal about this?" Devansh asked once again. Devraaj looked at his son worriedly but then smiled and said,

"I am afraid you can't D'. This place holds a lot of secrets regarding our company and some secrets need to be kept within you and me. I hope you understand the seriousness of the matter, you're my captain sweetheart. I know you understand." He said.

Devansh furrowed his eyebrows in confusion but nodded his head anyway.


Watching the CCTV footage of the last few months as Danuj sits on his chair, his mind roams around every possible memories. Some take him back to his childhood to his father, some take him to when he and Ekansh were close and most of it decide to torture him with hers.

That's when her voice brings him out of his torture only to be tortured more. He looks at the screen. There she is, wearing her panda t-shirt and grey track pant, sitting on the couch beside Nihal and munching on her favorite chips. A small smile forms on his lips as he remembers her words,

"See, we are Bengalis sir, we eat to our heart's content and don't regret. That's what makes us more beautiful."

Yeah, a foodie she is. As if immediately the reality hits him and his smile disappears. His jaw clench.

Then the memories of last night comes back plaguing his thoughts. The picture of her singing so beautifully surfaces infront of him, along with Ekansh's audacity. He touched her. HE. TOUCHED. HER! He immediately stands up and goes to the window, his breathing becoming heavy, just like yesterday when he almost ran out of that place. He ran towards the hidden basement door.

He stood infront of the back side of the old mansion, his home. For the first time he felt lucky that Ekansh decided not to renovate this part. He very cautiously walked towards the window that once used to be the window of the library. He placed his hand under the windowsill and started searching for the switch. He was hopeful and nervous at the same time. "What if it doesn't work anymore, it has been ages." He thought to himself. But when he eventually pressed it, the ground covered in wild green grasses started parting into two circular halves.

Without his knowledge he released a breath he didn't know he was holding. He then turned on the torch in his phone and took the descending stairs. At the third stair he bent down and touched the side of the fourth stair and pressed another switch that closed the ground once again. That's when he registered the amount of dust he just inhaled. The coughing fit was impossibly loud, if it wasn't created soundproof, he would've drawn the attentions of some douches, that call themselves guards here.

Cobwebs, lizards and small insects have taken over the place, that once used to be his and his father's most loved hideout. The more he entered the more his heart shattered, the more he remembered that he did lost his father right infront of his own eyes. He couldn't save him, couldn't do a thing, being the weakling that he was. If only the same would've happened now, he knew he would've saved his baba. He found the tiny bed covered in dust, he remembered setting that bed cover himself. His eyes fall on the shelves filled with DVDs, his father loved those. He loved recording things, day to day activities, anything that he considered special or important. He ran his fingers over the boxes. His eyes fall on one that says "D's First Day At Office: my little kid has grown up!"

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