Chapter 6: Surprised?

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"Sudha didi.." The faint voice can be heard. But she fails to answer. She stands there witnessing the disaster that is taking place right infront of her eyes. Her body stiffens as she sees her friends being dragged down from the stage, some by their collars, others by their hair. She stands still as she witnesses the goons breaking the stage into pieces that took every bit of their hard earned money to build. Her eyes sting with tears that she deliberately tries to hold back.

"Sudha didi..!" The voice finally manages to bring her out of her reverie. She turns her face and looks at Baburam bhai who called her and gave her the information while she was at the school. Coming back to her senses the first thing she does is bringing out her phone from her bag.

"Hello, AJT Road police station? There are some goons, who are beating and torturing my fellow protestors and have already destroyed most of our property. We are at Minar Maidan." She says, her voice trembling.

"Yes, I am Vasudha Roy. Thank you." She disconnects the call and hands the phone over to Baburam bhai. Who keeps on looking at her face with the same amount of hope.


Both of them fails to notice the black car on the other side of the road and also the man sitting inside it, hidden behind the dark glasses.

His grey eyes keep on looking at the girl standing just on the other side of the road wearing a short white kurti and a blue jeans, a brown leather bag hanging from her right shoulder. Her dark hair is open and also slightly bouncy due to the stormy weather outside. There are some two hundred meters distance from where she is overlooking the whole incident taking place. The glass of his car gives him full advantage to see everything outside whereas keeping his own self hidden inside.

It's about time he should be seeing what he has come to see. The fear, the helplessness in her eyes. The only thing he has grown to love with time is to witness the reflection of those particular emotions in people.

He sees her calling someone, which without any doubt  has to be the police. She is smart, but not smart enough to understand that calling them is useless.

She hands her phone to the apparently aged guy standing beside her. He looks at her in confusion. She then opens her bag and brings out a small bottle of pepper spray. The man in the car and the guy infront of her keeps on watching her meticulously from their respective distances. She then hands her bag to the man and puts the pepper spray bottle in the back pocket of her jeans. Taking her phone from the  man's hand she does something that is impossible for anyone to see from the angle she does it.

She then hands the phone back to the man and says, "Keep the camera on and keep recording everything from here. If you see or find anything fishy or threatening, take all of these and silently leave. Okay?" She asked the man who nodded nervously.

Although the man inside the car doesn't get to hear her, he obviously understands what her phone would be doing.

She turns around and faces the window of the black car parked on the opposite side to her. At once anyone would think that she is looking inside but only the man sitting inside knows she doesn't have that privilege.

Without her knowledge the man keeps on looking at her with a cold face, searching her eyes with the hope to find that one thing he has come to see. Her defeated composer, the fear in her eyes. But his whole body stiffens when her brown eyes shifts to the ground displaying nothing but rage and a hint of resolution.

To his surprise the girl stealthily moves towards the cars and bikes randomly parked outside the ground, which obviously belong to his men. He watches with furrowed eyebrows as she picks up an abandoned bamboo from the road side and holds that tightly in her hands. Within the blink of an eye she starts breaking the glasses and the mirrors of the cars and bikes one by one drawing all of the mobs attention towards her. For a second they get bewildered but then majority of them turns towards their vehicles leaving the other protesters at the ground.

She very carefully crawls around the last car which she left unharmed. So all this men keep searching for her around the cars which have been attacked.

By this time Danuj's phone starts vibrating.

"You sure these are my men Ojas?" He asked as coldly as possible.

"Y-yes boss. Is there any problem?" He asks very carefully.

"They are foolish! They don't even understand that they are being played." He says keeping the same composer.

"But.. they.. they did break the stage boss and also have hurt most of the protesters quite gruesomely." He adds.

"But that doesn't change the fact that they are fools." He says.

"Someone suddenly started breaking the vehicles boss. Even I couldn't expect that." Ojas says.

"Neither did I. And by someone you obviously mean Vasudha. She is clever, I give her that." He adds looking at his men who are still busy throwing their threats into open air as they still don't have any clue as to who did this mess.

"But they will find her.." Ojas's words are interrupted by Danuj.

"Even she knows that Ojas, she is just buying time for the police to arrive as well as buying time for her friends to recover to some extent. Impressive, isn't she? The police.."

But before he can finish his words one of the his men tracks her down from behind the unharmed car, making him disconnect the call immediately. And the scenario that takes place infront of his eyes infuriates and impresses him at the same time.

The man pulls her by grabbing her hair which instantly forces her to clench her eyes out of the sudden pain. She pulls both of her lips inside her mouth as if to bear the pain.

By this time the same guy Danuj has seen in the video notices the whole thing and starts rushing towards her while calling out for her, which in turn draws the attention of the other protestors who all are seemingly hurt and devastated.

Something about this man holding Vasudha by her hair and the others surrounding her in a threatening manner initially irk and then infuriate Danuj as he immediately takes out the phone again with the mindset of bringing them back, when he finally sees her pulling out the pepper spray from her back pocket and immediately using that pointing at the men surrounding her.

As if that was not a stunt enough she elbows the man who held her by her hair, kicks the man standing infront of her and punches another within a blink of an eye. Every action of hers seems to have enough strength to move and hurt those bulky men.
Due to the unexpected attack someone out of them pushes her forward to which she hit her head in one of the cars resulting into a fracture. Although that does not stop her and now with her the other protestors join with full force.

"She is trained?!" Surprised, Danuj whispers to himself, looking at her with narrowed eyes. As if on cue his phone vibrates and he receives it.

"Boss, one of them called me to ask for your permission as to whether they can hurt her or not. She is attacking them." Ojas says restlessly.

"They have already hurt her, without asking for my permission and also, she didn't start it Ojas." He says menacingly and continues.

"Ask them to leave for today..... and bring that guy to me, who grabbed her by her hair ." He adds clenching and unclenching his grip around the steering wheel.

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