Chapter 14: Heart Wants.

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"They did! They spared their food, their roof, their bed and their compassion for a vile creature like you."


"....and let me tell you, it's not that scar on your face that makes you look disgusting, it's the dirt inside you. You are disgusting from inside and I regret ever helping you."


Shoving the umpteenth cigarette filter into the ashtray Danuj leans back in his chair. His eyes stay fixed at the ceiling. The study table infront of him has nothing except for the open laptop, an ashtray, a fancy pen stand and a bunch of agreement papers.

They won, which means one of his stress factors is removed. He should feel relieved but all he feels is an unnatural pressure growing inside him. She is nothing to him, nothing at all. Why would her words affect him? Why did he even take the risk of getting out of the car? Why couldn't he show her who he is when she dared to slap him?!

This last thought somehow triggers something else inside him.

"A slap?!" He whispers while sitting straight again.

"You won't let me forget you that easily, would you Ms. Roy?" His deep voice whispers to himself. But he is pulled out of his thoughts due the precise and professional knock on the door of his study room.

"Come in Maya." He says while tucking the buttons of his shirt.

"Good morning D'. Here's your flight ticket to Delhi for tomorrow morning. I hope you'll be able to pack your things by...." Maya's words get interrupted by Danuj.

"Who told you to book the ticket? Nihal?" Danuj asks frowning at her.

"No, he didn't. This is just your usual schedule. We won, so as usual you'd be moving back to Delhi, won't you?" Maya asks feeling unusually nervous.

"Cancel the ticket. I still have some important works to deal with." Danuj says as he turns back towards the table again.

"Bu-but we are here. We'll handle everything. You can easily leave everything on us D'. I have been doing these for ages now." She says, this time sounding a little desperate.

Danuj slowly turns back to her but this time with an unexpectedly serious face.

"I know your ears work properly. And you know I hate repeating myself, Maya. So don't do things like this without consulting with me next time. You may leave now." With this said he gets back to his laptop again, leaving Maya to her thoughts :

"Sorry sis, but unfortunately I saw him becoming a human again, even if it's for a second."


"Guys, we all know that this is just not enough to move all of them." Mihir says sitting on one of the beanbags in Vasudha's study room.

"We need more for the new place. What if I sell my car? But it still won't get us that much, will it?" Suggests Abhirup.

"No, you're not selling anything anymore Abhi. You've already broken your FD. That's more than enough." Vasudha retorts.

"Try to understand Sudha, it is the only way out right now." Abhirup adds.

"Never. You just said even selling your car won't be enough. Which means.." Vasudha pauses while thinking deeply about something.

"Which means we do have a way out." She adds.

Everyone looks at her with questioning faces.

"What solution are you talking about Sudha?" Zoya asks, suspiciously.

"You already know Zoya. It's about time we should consider that idea." Vasudha says.

"Don't even think about that!" Zoya reacts.

"What's going on both of you?" Asks Abhirup and Mihir together.

"Since long, she has been planning on selling or mortgaging this house." Zoya says sounding immensely defeated. To which every single soul in that room looks back at Vasudha with the same expression: disbelief.

"Are you out of your mind Sudha? Are we all already dead to you?! Do you even know what selling your house means?! " Standing up from the bed Derek shouts at her. She gets startled to an extent that her eyes tear up.

Derek doesn't fail to notice that and immediately pulls her into a hug.

"Your decision worries us. I know we do not have much time but this is just not the right solution. How much do you want to sacrifice? How much can you? We all are humans Sudha, humans with limited resources. You can't drain yourself for others."  Derek explains.

"Then what do we do?" She says, sobbing.


"What's new Ojas?" Biting on the bread Danuj asks.

"They are still searching for a way out boss. But seems like eventually they will be able to do that." Ojas answers.

"And what made you so certain?" He asks again.

"That girl boss, Vasudha, I heard her proposing her friends about selling off her residence. Although they didn't agree.." Ojas can't finish his words due to his intervention.

"She proposed what?!" He asks slowly placing the bread back to the plate.

"Umm.. of selling off her residential property, I heard one of her companions shouting on her. They don't want it this way but the way it is going they would have to go for it eventually." Ojas adds.

"Hmm. Keep updating me." Saying that Danuj disconnects the call and stands up from the table.

Inside his study room he slowly picks up an agreement paper from the wooden table and starts reading it. But he knows in the back of his mind, this recent change of situation won't let him focus on the matter in hand.

"Let's see then, let's see how far can you go to save them Vasudha. Let's see how much strength is still left in you." He says to himself ignoring the increased heartbeat.

"What do you wanna see?" Nihal questions surprising Danuj. He was so taken aback by the news that he totally forgot Nihal's presence.

"A game." He says looking straight ahead of himself.

"I am going out. Wait until I am back and if anyone asks tell them I had a doctor's appointment." Danuj adds.

"Fuck what?! You have a doctor standing right infront of your eyes Dan. Why insulting me publicly? If anyone asks I'll tell them the truth." Nihal says.

"What truth?" Danuj asks cautiously.

"That cooking was just not enough, you urgently needed a new hobby so you joined a sewing class." Nihal winks.

Danuj slowly turns towards Nihal and says, "You know what, fuck off!"

With that said he moves toward his garage. He knows where he is going, he knows what his heart wants.


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Love, Puja.🙃

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