Chapter : 62

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The New Turn of Events.

The room provided to her for her temporary stay is huge, with its beige colored walls contrasting the dark brown wooden floor. The high ceiling gives it an expensive texture, something that Vasudha isn't used to. She misses her room back at the mansion in Kolkata. Both the rooms she had stayed in for so long somehow turned into her own rooms at some point. When? She didn't even realize. The rooms, the members and more specifically the rich brat of a person who turns out to be the total opposite of his step brother. Showing off anything other than his genuine intellect has never been his cup of tea. Her heart clenches at the thought of him coming back to the mansion and not finding her. He will freak out, might also lose his mind. But she needed to come here. She needs to understand the potential of her opponent from the very front, she needs to find out his weakness, she needs to find out the truth. And she doesn't have much time for that. There are so many questions clouding her judgment right now. How did Danuj know of her brother? From where? If he intentionally or even unintentionally didn't do that to Abhay then why did he keep him hidden? What was he hiding? Why doesn't he come out infront of the world? Why does he accept his fake death? And then there is this guy, Ekansh Sachdev. Why couldn't she notice what kind of a narcissist he is? He doesn't even stutter before bringing up the 'Sachdev family' reference? He seems overly confident about everything around him. But something inside her says that all these are act. He is just a very good actor. What's happening to her? Is she loosing her skill of judgment because of her feelings towards Danuj? She puts on a dress from the many dresses she has been provided with. Surprisingly enough, in her room there is an attached walk in closet and that's filled with clothes neccessary and fitting to her size. Wow. This man was confident about bringing her back. She changes into a simple blue and white cotton short dress, because that's the first thing she sees and pulls out. She feels weird about everything that's happening around her, that's why she knows that she needs to hurry and move forward towards finding the truth.

Her chain of thought breaks at the knock on her door. She opens the door to find the very old Raghu ji standing there, with his head hung as low as humanly possible.

"Chhote Sahab requested you and your friends' presence at the living room upstairs. If you've freshened up you can come with me, I can escort all of you." Raghu ji says.

"Thank you. I have freshened up. Let's go to the others then." Vasudha comes out of the room and takes the huge neverending hall that will lead to the other end where her friends are staying. For a fact, she knows that she is being given a very open and unexpected sort of special treatment. However, she looks beside her at the old man who keeps walking silently, keeping his head down as always. Every time she saw him, even when her brother was totally fine, this guy reminded her of Dobby from the Harry Potter movies. Someone who is looking for that one piece of socks that can give him his most awaited freedom.

"You know, my brother used to talk about you a lot. About how you always backed him up or rescued him from a huge embarrassment. You don't need to keep your head down with me Raghu ji. You've been the utmost favorite of my brother. He always compared you to our father." She says and Raghu ji raises his head to look at her. His eyes look sad, his old and wrinkly face becomes even more wrinkled. He only nods his head but says nothing. As if opening his mouth might lead to something he doesn't want. Eventually they reach Ganika and Mihir first, who are found in the same room for now. Both of them look freshened up. They move towards Zoya's room but as usual she needs more time. Because when they enter her room she comes out with a face pack covering her entire face and giving her a ghost like look in turn.

"What's so funny Mihir?!" She menacingly asks an 'on the verge of bursting into an embarrassingly loud laugh' faced Mihir.

"Nothing, I just didn't expect you to open the door like this. No issues, trust me you look fantastic." He says, finally giving into the temptation of laughing his heart out.

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